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Ukraine Clashes Resume Killing at Least 7 as Truce Crumbles


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Ukraine-Clashes-Resume-Killing-at-Least-7-as-5251329.phpBloomberg News:

Aliaksandr Kudrytski and Kateryna Choursina



Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- At least seven people died in a new wave of deadly clashes in the Ukrainian capital as a truce declared last night by President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders fell apart.


Violent skirmishes broke out after 8 a.m. on Independence Square, the hub of the demonstrations. While the Health Ministry reported seven dead, including two policemen, Agence France Presse said at least 25 people were killed, citing two reporters at the scene. The Kyiv Post said as many as 35 people died. Parliament was evacuated and European foreign ministers switched the location of a meeting with Yanukovych on security concerns.


Reeling from the deadliest clashes of the three-month standoff, the Russian-backed leader’s security service started a nationwide anti-terrorism operation to restore order and protect borders. The government and the opposition planned to continue talks to stop the bloodshed today after the president granted sweeping powers to the army and police.








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Deadly Ukraine clashes: Live Report

Nick Morrison and (AFP)


Kiev 1238 GMT: A reminder that AFP reporters say they saw the bodies of at least 25 protesters with apparent gunshot wounds around two popular Independence Square hotels and lying outside the central Kiev post office this morning.

Ukraine's interior ministry says two policeman died from gunshot wounds sustained in the clashes and advised Kiev residents to stay indoors "because the streets of Kiev are occupied by armed and aggressive people".




1220 GMT: The deaths in Kiev this morning bring to at least 54 the number of people killed in Ukraine since the start of the week, according to health ministry and AFP counts.


1210 GMT: More on the resignation today of Kiev's mayor - Volodymyr Makeyenko has quit President Viktor Yanukovych's ruling Regions Party in protest over the "bloodshed" that has claimed dozens of lives in the Ukrainian capital.

"The events happening in the Ukrainian capital are a tragedy," Makeyenko said in a statement. "I have decided to resign from the Regions Party and assume personal responsibility for the livelihood of the city of Kiev."




1034 GMT: The bodies of eight demonstrators are lying outside Kiev's main post office on Independence Square, an AFP reporter says.

The bodies of 17 other demonstrators with apparent gunshot wounds can also be seen in the vicinity of two hotels on opposite sides of the protest encampment.



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The killings, live from Kiev

Scott Johnson


RFE/RL is hosting a live blog reporting the latest government killings in Kiev. The news overnight includes sniper attacks by government forces on protesters, as reported by the Telegraph.


A reader writes from Ukraine, citing a Facebook post by a doctor who is coordinating medical care at the protest center in Kiev. According to the doctors page she is the founder of the Kiev Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetics. Her post (in Ukrainian) from around 5:00 a.m. US Eastern time indicates that in the previous hour 13 were killed by snipers. The doctors Facebook page is here.

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Ukraine truce collapses, 100 killed and 500 wounded

Battles resume in Kiev hours after overnight truce declared by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, and three visiting European foreign ministers were due to meet the president to push for compromise.

By Reuters

Feb. 20, 2014 | 4:19 PM


At least 100 people were reportedly killed and 500 more wounded on Thursday as bloody battles resumed in Kiev shattering an overnight truce declared by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. A presidential statement said the dead and wounded included both police and civilians.

The clashes erupted shortly before three visiting European foreign ministers were due to meet the Russian-backed Yanukovich to push for a compromise with his pro-European opponents. The meeting was delayed for security reasons but began an hour late.


A statement from Yanukovich's office said: "They (the protesters) went on to the offensive. They are working in organized groups. They are using firearms, including sniper rifles. They are shooting to kill.

"The number of dead and injured among police officers is dozens," the statement on the presidential website said.


Ukrainian anti-government protesters on Thursday seized back control of Kiev's Independence Square, television reports showed, after fresh clashes broke out there with riot police.

TV pictures showed protesters surging forward into areas that were on Wednesday occupied by riot police after a day of violence. Several captured police officers were seen being led away by men in battle fatigues.

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Weapons stolen, buildings burnt in Ukraine

Debopom Sanyal

Thursday, February 20th, 2014



Recent news revealed by the security authority of Ukraine about the weapons leak to protesters has become more worrisome. Law and order has been totally disrupted in the country and the state is heading towards a total civil disobedience. Theft weapons can turn Ukraine into a deadly battle field and many more lives can be lost.


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EU agrees to impose sanctions against Ukraine: Italian minister


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union foreign ministers have agreed to move ahead with imposing sanctions including visa bans and asset freezes on those responsible for the violence in Ukraine, Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said on Thursday.


Speaking as she left an emergency gathering in Brussels, Bonino said the position had been agreed with the French, German and Polish foreign ministers, who are currently in Kiev negotiating with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich.


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100 Killed In Ukraine; Church Cancels Prayers For Government

Thursday, February 20, 2014 (9:04 pm)


KYIV, UKRAINE (BosNewsLife)-- The influential Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) says it has removed prayers for the government from its liturgy, after as many as 100 people died when a truce broke down between security forces and anti-government protesters.Thursday's clashes came while European Union ministers attempted to talk with the embattled president Viktor Yanukovich.






Amid the chaos, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church leadership said prayers for the current government would no longer be included in the liturgy, an unprecedented move.

Instead the denomination's ruling body, known as the Holy Synod, advised believers to ask God to protect Ukraine and its people, and to pray and the many victims.


It expressed concern that authorities are reportedly using assault weapons, including snipers with automatic rifles, against Ukrainian people, leaving dozens dead and hundreds injured.

Earlier, while thick black smoke rose from the barricades, the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) Sviatoslav Shevchuk, appealed for an end to violence.


"With great regret I should say that appeals of churches to prevent the bloodshed and a peaceful settlement of the conflict has not been heard, he said in a statement monitored by BosNewsLife. "In the name of God I condemn violence and disregard of human rights and the will of the people," he added. "I would like to emphasize that the one who has the power, bears full responsibility for what is happening in the country."




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Ukraine Unravels


Posted on | February 20, 2014


The news out of Kiev is troubling: At least 50 protesters reported killed, and the protesters say the number of dead is actually more than 100. The conflict is essentially one between Ukrainian nationalism and Russian imperialism. The current government in Ukraine is pro-Moscow and, unfortunately, Russian president Vladimir Putin holds the geopolitical trump cards. George Will observes:



Marx, whose prophesies were perversely predictive because they were almost invariably wrong, predicted the end of nationalism. Economic forces, he said, determine political, cultural and psychological realities. So capitalism, with its borders-leaping cosmopolitanism, would dilute to the point of disappearance all emotional attachments to nations. Ukraine’s ferment is an emphatic, albeit redundant, refutation of Marxism.

Read the whole thing.Scissors-32x32.png


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Countering Putin in Ukraine with KGB Transparency

By Robert ZapesochnyFebruary 20, 2014, 12:31 PM

For much of this discussion over Ukraine, we have been told that the country is divided between the pro-European West and the pro-Russian East. While there is some truth to this, the real divide in Ukraine is not East versus West, but up versus down.

The question is will Ukraine move up towards more freedom and the rule of law or will this country fall further down towards despotism and crony capitalism. There are very few people in Ukraine who benefit from the country going down further.

While most people do not want another Soviet Union, there is a strong generational divide in both Ukraine and Russia regarding democracy and nostalgia over the Soviet collapse. According to Pew, in 2011, 58 percent of Russians under 30 supported the change from communism to democracy. Only 31 percent of Russians over 65 shared this view. In the same poll, 43 percent of Ukrainians under 30 supported the shift towards democracy, while only 23 percent of Ukrainians over 65 agreed. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.theamericanconservative.com/countering-putin-in-ukraine-with-kgb-transparency/

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Irishman's eyewitness account of Ukraine clashes

Cathal O' hAimheirgin

20 February 2014


The first thing on everyones mind in Kiev this morning was not the winter weather but if the protestors huddled in their tents behind ramparts of burning tires on Independence Square (Maidan) had survived the night.

For over three months, an eclectic bunch of protestors - students, pensioners, farmers, office workers, teachers, radicals and veterans - have been permanently camped on Maidan, united by a desire for fair elections, free speech, independent courts and an end to rampant corruption.


Two days ago, in our 10th floor offices looking toward Independence Square, my colleagues and I were busily finalising VAT returns when the hated special police the Berkut launched their long-expected attack on the unarmed Maidan protestors.

We were gradually distracted by the rising smoke and the sirens of ambulances rotating ever more frequently. Thanks to the many news agencies and social networks following the protests, the scale of loss of life quickly became clear with two dozen killed, hundreds shot and fifteen hundred injured.


Among the dead, a journalist for the Vesti network was beaten to death by government thugs the titushki. To stop Maidan supporters from outside Kiev coming to reinforce the protestors, the police closed all roads into and out of the city and our new Mayor closed the metro so the streets thronged with commuters walking home, many sobbing.

Shock was followed by rage. By evening, reports came from around the country of protestors storming government buildings, even a Peoples Parliament in city of Lviv announcing secession from Ukraine. In Kiev, the battle for Maidan continued into the night, police armoured personnel carriers burned and titushki prowled the neighbouring streets for stray protestors and journalists.







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Catholic patriarch condemns deadly violence in Ukraine

Protestors can take refuge and pray for peace in one of two tent-chapels on Maidan Square in Kiev.

Credit: Jakub Szymczuk/GOSC NIEDZIELNY/Courtesy Aid to the Church in Need.

Kiev, Ukraine, Feb 20, 2014 / 03:24 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Ukrainian Greek Catholic patriarch decried the deadly conflict between the government and protesters, calling for prayer and fasting amid increasing tensions.

Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk on Feb. 20 said the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church condemns “all incitements to violence, because they are contrary to God’s law and to the truths of the Gospel.”

“No one can make decisions about sacrificing human lives,” he said, according to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church’s website.



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Crucifixion in Kiev

Tim Kelleher





At the same moment, other images -- at times smuggled to viewers from Maidan Square in the neighboring capital of Kiev -- were telling an unscripted story in stark contrast to the orchestrated optics of Sochi.


Among the most powerful were of priests, standing in the icy breach between masses of protestors and government forces, each straining the leash-limits that keep Ukraine from the nightmare of civil war.


To Western eyes, these blokes, of long beard and foreign vestiture, might seem eccentric. Who are they, why is their presence tolerated, and what are those things they carry?


As for who, they are the sacerdotal face of Ukraine's major churches in the Orthodox tradition. What we mostly see them carrying are icons, the sacred images intrinsic to the Orthodox liturgical witness. Why has everything to do with who and what. For in Slavic culture, religion -- particularly the experience of Orthodoxy -- does not dwell on one side of an imagined wall never prescribed in that fruit of Magna Carta which are the American founding documents.



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