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Study: Affirmative-Action Bans May Actually Speed Integration


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study-affirmative-action-bans-may-actually-speed-integrationFlopping Aces:

Study: Affirmative-Action Bans May Actually Speed Integration

Scott Jaschik @ Inside Higher Ed:

Court decisions dating to the 1950s theoretically ended racial segregation of higher education in the United States. But data to be presented today at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association show that the pace of desegregation has slowed over time. And in a finding that could be controversial, the study finds that states that ban the consideration of race in admissions may see the pace of desegregation accelerate.

The study is by Peter L. Hinrichs, an assistant professor of public policy at Georgetown University. He focuses on black and white students, not those in other racial and ethnic groups, and he examines “exposure” and “dissimilarity” (defined below) of black and white students as two measures of desegregation. Hinrichs uses federal data from every college, filed since the era in which desegregation started. He argues that these measures illustrate the extent to which colleges are truly desegregated, which may not be reflected simply by increases or decreases in black student enrollments (which can be concentrated at certain institutions).

Exposure is the percentage of black students at colleges attended by white students, and vice versa Scissors-32x32.png

Besure and follow the link the study is very interesting / "trust me"

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