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Conventions Part Two – Here come the Democrats


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Conventions Part Two – Here come the Democrats





By Anita Kumar | McClatchy Newspapers



By Anita Kumar McClatchy Newspape

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Tens of thousands of Democrats descend on Charlotte for their party’s national convention Tuesday, two months before an election that will determine the direction of a divided nation.


The Democratic National Convention offers a chance for the party to try to recapture the enthusiasm it had during 2008’s historic race and to explain why Barack Obama, the nation’s first African-American president, should be given a second term in the White House even as the economy continues to falter. Snip http://www.mcclatchy...-here-come.html

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Posted on Sunday, September 2, 2012


Obama after four years – change or more of the same?


WASHINGTONHe’s older. He’s grayer. The jaunty optimism about changing the world has given way to the sober reality of stubbornly high unemployment and economic anxiety. In his own words, President Barack Obama has “some dents and dings in the fender.”


Yet beneath those external differences, the question persists: How has Obama changed as a leader in the four years since he first accepted his party’s nomination for president as a young man with little executive experience and little history in Washington. Has he learned on the job? Has he been guided by core principles come what may, or has he changed to adapt to what’s become a vastly different political landscape? The answers could determine how successful he’d be in a second term.


In his first two years, Obama stayed the course and pushed an agenda through a friendly Democratic Congress to stimulate the economy, regulate Wall Street and overhaul health care. Yet he’s maintained much of that course even as the country balked at his health care law, as voters threw his party out of power in the House of Representatives Scissors-32x32.png






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Lots of protest brewing. Some where planned for Tampa but got rained out. War, Green, Climate Change, Environment, on and on. Obama is not far enough left (really?) to avoid what is coming this week.

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Commentary: Drastic measures may be needed to stem the tide of cash in US elections


Tom Eblen | The Lexington Herald-Leader



"We have the best Congress money can buy," humorist Will Rogers quipped in the 1930s. More recent comedians have suggested that politicians wear NASCAR-like jumpsuits so citizens can see the logos of all of their sponsors.

Trouble is, the joke is no longer funny. Many of us think special-interest money and the corruption it creates are threatening the very future of American democracy.

Money's influence over government has grown for decades, but it has gotten immeasurably worse since a 5-4 vote by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010. That narrow majority turned a decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission into a vehicle for rich people, corporations, unions and other special-interest groups to spend virtually unlimited sums Scissors-32x32.png


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DNC 2012: Still Kitschin'

David Weigel

Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012



But the Cult of Obama staggers on. North Carolina is 21.5 percent black; Charlotte, 35 percent. In 2008, Obama won North Carolina by a scant 14,000 votes. He carried Mecklenberg County -- Charlotte and suburbs -- by 100,000. (That was up from a 12,000-vote margin here for the Kerry-Edwards ticket.) My plane into the city was chock-a-block with black delegates, and the streets near the convention zone are dotted with vendors selling for-us-by-us Obama merch. Below is James Hickman's "Keep the Dream" calendar, which I was offered by a man who identified himself as the maker's nephew and gave his name as "Red Storm."



The sort of cryptic July 2013 page:


(ok what's with the little yapper?)


The faithful August 2013 page:


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We shall not be watching any of it. About all we can stomach are the Democrats being interviewed on Fox and Friends.


Racist! You said Fox! Actually that's double racist!

Fox News is the home of racism as everybody knows.


Fox=Foxy Brown a Blaxploitation movie put out by American International Pictures, owned by Samuel Z. Arkoff A {shudder) Jew from Iowa...and we know Iowa is full of Racists...in particular Jewish Racists.

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We shall not be watching any of it. About all we can stomach are the Democrats being interviewed on Fox and Friends.


Ditto, except I can't even stomach them on Fox.

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We shall not be watching any of it. About all we can stomach are the Democrats being interviewed on Fox and Friends.


Ditto, except I can't even stomach them on Fox.


Ooops -- oh, well. I've already established myself as a racist. Fox, Fox, Fox!!

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TWS: What to Watch for in Charlotte




At the official kickoff of his reelection campaign, President Obama offered a tacit (although unintended) admission of four years of failure, declaring, "We have to move forward, to the future we imagined in 2008. ... That’s why I’m running for a second term as president of the United States." This peculiar yet revealing emphasis on the future, the past, and the imaginary neglects only two things: the present and reality. Lacking laudable achievements to tout in the present, Obama wants voters to focus on the future they imagined in the past. This is what he means by moving "forward."


As viewers watch the Democratic Convention unfold this week in Charlotte, they will hear a steady dose of emphasis on the increasingly distant past ("it's Bush's fault") and the still-imaginary future. But they will hear precious little about the present—about achievements by the Obama administration that are bearing fruit in the present day lives of everyday Americans.




Most of all, viewers likely won't hear any mention of the nation-defining choice that this election offers American voters: Do we want to keep Obamacare, or repeal it?



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We shall not be watching any of it. About all we can stomach are the Democrats being interviewed on Fox and Friends.


Ditto, except I can't even stomach them on Fox.


You mean to tell me your willing to forgo the joy that is Crazy Ed Schulz!

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Clearvision, I shall rely upon your analysis.


Obama and all are so out of touch with us . Its really comicsl. He is likening watching the RNC and their messages to watching black and white tv with rabbit ears.

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Off to a good start:


A California delegate has been ejected from the Democratic National Convention after he allegedly tried to impersonate a member of Congress and hassled the hotel staff trying to assist a drunken, passed-out delegate.


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At least or more civil tone....


The chairman of the California Democratic Party reportedly compared Paul Ryan and the Republicans today to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.


According to the San Francisco Chronicle, John Burton made these remarks about the GOP vice presidential nominee before the California delegation met for breakfast at the Democratic National Convention:


"They lie and they don't care if people think they lie. ...Joseph Goebbels it's the big lie, you keep repeating it," Burton said Monday before the Blake Hotel breakfast. He said Ryan told "a bold-faced lie and he doesn't care that it was a lie. That was Goebbels, the big lie."


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If we are going to watch this freak show, I best double up on the blood pressure meds now.


I have an extra 30 day supply if you need any extras, be glad to share

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If we are going to watch this freak show, I best double up on the blood pressure meds now.


I have an extra 30 day supply if you need any extras, be glad to share


I don't understand. It's not like they are going to blame everything that has gone gone in the last 5,000 years on the Republicans, and demand all the money from rich conservatives be confiscated to pay for contraceptives, and abortion up to and including 10 minutes after the child is born, declaring Gay Pride Day to be a national holiday.

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Obama advisers insist the stadium will be filled when Obama delivers his speech. Vice President Joe Biden also will speak Thursday night, along with Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who will vouch for Obama's national security credentials.



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Democrats plan to have Bain Capital employees make the case against Mitt Romney at their convention in Charlotte.


Senior Obama campaign officials confirmed to Fox News that at least two people who worked at Bain Capital -- Romney's former private equity firm -- will speak at the Democratic National Convention this week.

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I have seen two Democrats on FNC seem very assured and confident. Do they see internals or are they imagining that President Clinton's speech will be a magic pony?

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