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The White House Fast Food Soap Opera


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the_white_house_fast_food_soap_opera.htmlAmerican Thinker:

An odd tale of marital tension may be playing itself out before the nation's eyes, as Michelle Obama devotes herself to cajoling Americans into eating healthier food and exercising more while her husband eagerly stuffs his face out on the hustings with the junkiest of junk food.

He does it so often that Michelle's allies, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, have publicly called for President Obama to stop "eating unhealthy foods like hot dogs or pepperoni pizza that contain processed meat, or cheeseburgers or hamburgers that can contribute to obesity," in publicity photos.

Yet the president persists, flagrantly flaunting fast food Monday in Atlanta, at the Varsity that city's temple of chili dog splendor. Andrew Malcolm of Investor's Business Daily waggishly captioned him blessing the fast-food counter clerks there. President Obama has visually desecrated his wife's holy mission so many times, so publicly, that it has gone from being a "naughty schoolboy" rebellion to something a bit more disturbing. Mr. Obama is publicly humiliating his wife, mocking the goals to which she has given her heart and soul.

It being uncouth for neighbors to gossip about the marital troubles of their friends in polite company, the beltway press stays away from probing the question of what all this theater shows about the emotional state of the first couple, and what it tells us about the character of Barack Obama. He is acting out a drama, and it is a story written by a narcissist.

Think back to Obama's gift of a set of movies on DVD to partially blind British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Narcissists often have a mean streak when it comes to people who have a weakness they don't share. My bet is that the thin Obama likes to stick it to people who have problems watching their weight and I expect that includes Michelle. Neither of her parents seem naturally thin people and Michelle is at the age where women often have problems keeping the pounds from creeping up on them. Because he's passive aggressive by nature and because his political goose would be cooked with many black voters if she got fed up and left him, he won't cross Michelle in person. That doesn't mean he doesn't relish rubbing her nose in the coverage of him chowing down on at greasy spoons, as he notes that no matter what he eats he never gains an ounce. Indeed, narcissists can be especially mean with family because in their worldview strangers exist to be wooed while one's family has to love you no matter what you do. Imagine how strong this impulse can be in a politician who must constantly strive to pleasScissors-32x32.png

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