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But What about Justice for Zimmerman?


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but_what_about_justice_for_zimmerman.htmlAmerican Thinker:

I keep thinking of an episode of the 1973 TV show Kojak: The Marcus-Nelson Murders. Homicide detective Kojak suspects that the black teenager accused of murdering two white girls is being framed by his fellow detectives.

The case gets a lot of media attention; politics and careers enter the mix. The frightened accused black kid pleads his innocence to detective Kojak who believes him. Kojak educates the defendant to the cold, harsh reality of the situation; he informs the kid that despite his innocence, the case has become such a political hot button, and because the police held the kid in jail for so long, he must be found guilty of something.

I see this same scenario developing in the Martin/Zimmerman case.

Most Americans desire a fair and just outcome when it comes to this tragedy. But Lord help us if the evidence proves Zimmerman innocent. If Zimmerman is ruled not guilty and allowed to walk, I foresee Rodney King-type riots in the streets. Thus, is Zimmerman's fate already sealed? Will a jury decide that Zimmerman must be declared guilty of something?

While Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers, and all of the other racist race-hustling usual suspects clamor for justice for Trayvon Martin, I wonder if justice is even possible for George Zimmerman.

Tragically and frighteningly, we live in a time in which the law and truth appears to be losing relevance in America.Scissors-32x32.png

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