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A Hard Look at the President


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a-hard-look-at-the-president.html?_r=1The New York Times:

Scissors-32x32.pngNow, though, the general election season is on, and The Times needs to offer an aggressive look at the president’s record, policy promises and campaign operation to answer the question: Who is the real Barack Obama?

Many critics view The Times as constitutionally unable to address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it basked a bit in the warm glow of Mr. Obama’s election in 2008. The company published a book about the country’s first African-American president, “Obama: The Historic Journey.” The Times also published a lengthy portrait of him in its Times Topics section on NYTimes.com, yet there’s nothing of the kind about George W. Bush or his father.

According to a study by the media scholars Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter, The Times’s coverage of the president’s first year in office was significantly more favorable than its first-year coverage of three predecessors who also brought a new party to power in the White House: George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.

Writing for the periodical Politics & Policy, the authors were so struck by the findings that they wondered, “Did The Times, perhaps in response to the aggressive efforts by Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal to seize market share, decide to tilt more to the left than it had in the past?”Scissors-32x32.png

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Too late. And classic that the author suggests Rupert Murdoch is to blame for the NYT's incredibly biased reporting. The Times outed itself once and for all with its fawning bias over Obama. They backed the wrong horse. An obvious loser. And now they're stuck with it. Their demise might be the only useful thing he'll accomplish as President.

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