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Wisconsin’s Other Recall


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wisconsin-s-other-recall-katrina-trinkoNational Review:


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Rebecca Kleefisch has big plans for Wisconsin. She’d like to bring more jobs to the Badger State and drive down the unemployment rate, especially among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. She wants to help those currently unemployed with job training, so they will be eligible for the tens of thousands of jobs that Wisconsin employers can’t find qualified applicants to fill. And, in view of the graying demographics of Wisconsin residents, Kleefisch has started studying how to make the state attractive to younger workers.

But Rebecca Kleefisch has one big hurdle before she can implement any of her ideas: surviving the recall election.


Kleefisch, the lieutenant governor of Wisconsin, is quick to say how important it is that Scott Walker remain in office. “Our governor is doing a bang-up job,” she says. “He is a national hero, and well he should be.” But she is also concerned about her own race, which is getting less media attention than Walker’s. (Thanks to a peculiarity in Wisconsin law, Walker and Kleefisch are not on the same ticket in the recall, though they were elected on the same ticket in 2010.) Kleefisch’s likely Democratic opponent is Mahlon Mitchell, who heads the Wisconsin firefighters’ union.

The election of a “union boss,” Kleefisch warns, would hurt Walker’s efforts even if he remains in office. In that scenario, “our governor will no longer have his best partner working in the office beneath him,” but “will instead have an antagonist, someone who seeks to undermine and harass him.”

Actually, that’s not likely to happen. Whichever way the recall goes, it will probably go the same way for Kleefisch and Walker. Popular Wisconsin conservative radio host Charlie Sykes says he has a “hard time imagining” people at the ballot box “voting for Scott Walker and then turning around and voting for Mahlon Mitchell.”

The challenge is the same for Kleefisch as for Walker: making the case for the politically controversial reforms implemented last year, which required many of the state’s public employees to start contributing about 6 percent of the money that goes into their pension funds and about 12 percent of their health-insurance premiums.


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The war against progressives has so many fronts & this one, is a "must" win. God bless both of them. Hope they're both Honey Badgers.

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I voted for this team when they first ran. And unless death takes me first, I will vote for them again in June of this year.


It's that simple.

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I know that it sounds funny, but back in 1970, as a senior in the engineering school at the UW, I had to fly night missions as searchlight operator and aerial observer over my own campus. I had nightmares and emotional distress for several years afterwards that was later diagnosed as PTSD.


When the protests happened in Madison last year, I started to have flash-backs. Those union thugs (Yeah the teachers!) and students reminded me so much of the animals that ran riot over the campus 41 years before.


I am no longer a resident of Wisconsin, but I was born and raised there and am hoping and praying for conservatism to save my home state from the RATS and Socialists!

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