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Virginia's McDonnell weighs veto of voter ID bill


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510031Washington Examiner:

The future of a controversial voter ID bill is in serious doubt after a bipartisan group of Virginia lawmakers rejected Gov. Bob McDonnell's proposed changes, daring McDonnell to accept their version of the legislation or veto it.

In its current form, the bill requires anyone who forgets to bring proper identification to the polls to fill out a provisional ballot, which would not be counted unless the voter returns with proper ID or sends an electronic copy.

McDonnell sought to weaken the bill by allowing election officials to compare the signature on the provisional ballot with a voter registration card on file. But both the House and Senate shot down McDonnell's amendment during Wednesday's veto session, leaving the Republican governor with a bill that creates an "unduly burden and barriers to your vote," he said.

McDonnell must now weigh whether to veto or sign a bill he considers "unreasonable."

"We're going to have to take a very hard look at that bill now when it comes back to determine what the next step is," he said.

Republican-led legislatures across the country have drawn national attention for passing strict voter ID bills in the name of protecting the integrity of elections. Democrats assert that the laws discriminate and specifically target voters more likely to support their candidates, including college students, minorities and low-income residents, who are less likely to have the proper ID.Scissors-32x32.png

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Wisconsins lower courts have put a stay on the voter ID law (a judge who signed the Walker recall and who's wife passed out petitions I might add) and the Wi Supreme Court has refused to hear it. Yesterday Arizona courts upheld their version, and now this. The US Supreme Court will have to get this sooner or later, but unfortunately it will probably be later. Maybe that is what they are counting on.

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In its current form, the bill requires anyone who forgets to bring proper identification to the polls to fill out a provisional ballot, which would not be counted unless the voter returns with proper ID or sends an electronic copy.

McDonnell sought to weaken the bill by allowing election officials to compare the signature on the provisional ballot with a voter registration card on file.


With apologies to the Iron Lady...This is no time to go wobbly Bob.


"unduly burden and barriers to your vote,"

Spoken like a real Democrat!

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