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Tuesday, over 2000 union protesters rolled into Springfield, IL, to protest Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, speaking at the Illinois Chamber of Commerce.

Once again they came to chant and sing, and chant and sing they did. It was a typical sea of matching t-shirts—a favored strategy of intimidation—along with their placards of “solidarity” and profane signs. They scattered four giant inflatable rats throughout the crowd, with a gargantuan cardboard cut out of Governor Scott Walker standing out, as well.

Presidents of the AFL-CIO, Michael T. Carrigan of Illinois and Phil Neuenfeldt of Wisconsin, got the crowd riled up, along with the help of Teresa Haley, President of the Springfield NAACP. But Pastor T. Ray McJunkins of the Union Baptist Church and President of the Faith Coalition for the Common Good and William McNary of USAction stole the show.

McJunkins delivered an energetic address he closed up metaphorically with the story of David and Goliath, ultimately declaring:

We are the Davids … and you may be a big giant, a big goliath, but David had 5 smooth stones that brought Goliath down … all he had was stones and a sling shot, and I just wonder out there among us, how many of you came with your sling today? … Load your slings up today when we leave here, putting a smooth stone of equal rights at the collective bargaining table and throw it at Goliath … And Goliath will come down, Scott Walker we send you back to Wisconsin as David did Goliath, we cut your head off and go back into town, singing a new song!Scissors-32x32.png


OK- I don't get this-they were protesting Wisconsin's governor in Illinois???

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OK- I don't get this-they were protesting Wisconsin's governor in Illinois???



When WS cheese and fetid IL Democrat machine politics come together... it's the perfect makings of a big stink.

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That rascal Obama sure does bring out the civility in folks.


Thank the Good Lord he is keeping a lid on things until election month /s

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That rascal Obama sure does bring out the civility in folks.


Thank the Good Lord he is keeping a lid on things until election month /s


Well, if we have riots in this country-which is not out of the question- I'm sure it will be the fault of Republicans. Love the 'New Tone'angry.png

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This week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker received rock-star treatment during a speech to the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. Outside the event, thousands of public sector union members angrily protested the visit. It is doubtful that any sitting governor ever sparked such passionate support or opposition in their own state, never mind a neighboring one. Most Governors can slip in and out of other states with almost no notice, but Gov. Walker has been criss-crossing the country speaking on government reform and eliciting both ardent support and fervent opposition. Such scenes go a long way to explaining why the upcoming recall vote in Wisconsin is so critical. In fact, the upcoming vote is the most important election taking place in 2012.

Last year, against vitriolic and often violent union protests, Gov. Walker ushered through the legislature a package of budget reforms to address the state's fiscal deficit. The signature reform, Act 10, removed public sector pension and health benefits from the collective bargaining process, empowering local governments and school districts to close their budget gaps without resorting to program cuts or massive lay-offs. The Act also ended the practice of automatically deducting public sector union dues from members' paychecks, giving individual union members a choice in deciding to support certain union activities.

In just the first few months of the passage of the reforms, local governments across the state have used the new tools to balance their budgets without having to resort to tax hikes or draconian across-the-board spending cuts. The state itself has quickly swung from a trend of multi-billion dollar deficits to balance and fiscal sanity. In short, Walker's reforms worked. And, boy, are the public sector unions ever pissed about it.

Immediately after the passage of the reforms, the public sector unions threw their considerable political weight behind efforts to recall several GOP senators. They also targeted a state Supreme Court special election, hoping that, having failed in the legislature, they could put a sycophantic judge on the bench to throw out the new reforms. Despite spending tens of millions of their members hard-earned dollars, the unions failed in these efforts.

Now, in a last ditch battle against the new reforms, the unions are banking everything on an effort to 'recall' the author of the reforms, Scott Walker. Tens of millions of dollars and rank-and-file union members will pour into Wisconsin from all over the country. The vote, scheduled for June 5th, will generate the kind of attention and excitement that is usually reserved for Presidential campaigns. Its outcome will also match the impact of a Presidential election. The future direction of our nation hinges on this vote.Scissors-32x32.png



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Uh--------The cheese stands alone!!!!!!LMFAO.gif


Radical Cheeseheads!


You'll never see the representatives of the workin man here in Mn. do this to Gov. Goofy.

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