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Why Obama Lies


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why_obama_lies.htmlAmerican Thinker:

George Will writes that "Barack Obama's intellectual sociopathy -- his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth -- should no longer startle." But why do Obama and his supporters feel no compunction when they do so? And does this pattern provide an opportunity for Mitt Romney to gather votes in November?

As has often been commented, all of Barack Obama's promises come with an expiration date. They range from the relatively minor to the truly majestic such as his promise that he would not raise taxes for those families earning under $250,000 a year and that he would cut the deficit in half.

He peddled a world of wonders that would flow from passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The fabrications started early -- even in the very name of the act. Patients are not protected: not only will they not be able to keep their current plans if they like them, as he promised (businesses have been dropping company plans in reaction to Obamacare), but their care will fall under the control of the Independent Payment Advisory Board that may just decide that various medical procedures are not covered -- and, incidentally, the people on this board are "unelected." Where is the Patient Protection?

Nor is the Act "affordable". Obama pledges that the Act would cut the deficit and bend the cost curve downward have been shown to be false.

Bu the lies keep coming and will expand exponentially during the campaign at a far faster pace of growth than the economy has under Barack Obama's stewardship.

Often these falsehoods will focus on Medicare -- trying to play the politics of fear with the politically potent group of seniors who depend on Medicare. Barack Obama recently charged that Paul Ryan's plan to reform Medicare and ensure its future viability will "end Medicare as we know it." When this lie was first used by Democrats in 2011 it won the none-too-coveted "Lie of the Year" award from Politifact, the truth-checking outfit. Regardless of this dubious distinction, Obama recycled the lie once again.

The list can go on and on.Scissors-32x32.png

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Obama's entire ideology is based on lies. Like any liar, once you start, you can't stop. Unless you're lucky, lies don't magically transform themselves into truths. Instead, they have to be supported by still more lies. Obama lies because it's all he knows. The only thing keeping him out of jail is a willing media who is also built on lies. Until the media is neutralized, this is what our country can expect.

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Obama's entire ideology is based on lies. Like any liar, once you start, you can't stop. Unless you're lucky, lies don't magically transform themselves into truths. Instead, they have to be supported by still more lies. Obama lies because it's all he knows. The only thing keeping him out of jail is a willing media who is also built on lies. Until the media is neutralized, this is what our country can expect.


I believe the description is 'Pathological'wink.pngrolleyes.gif

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I read this article this morning for my morning "fix". It really is great preparation for this year. The lies will come "fast and furious" and the mainstream media will be carrying Massa's Watah all year long.

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Thanks. It is good to find some old friends and some of the rational ones from FR who disappeared.


Now, I know why! ;-D

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Obama's entire ideology is based on lies. Like any liar, once you start, you can't stop. Unless you're lucky, lies don't magically transform themselves into truths. Instead, they have to be supported by still more lies. Obama lies because it's all he knows. The only thing keeping him out of jail is a willing media who is also built on lies. Until the media is neutralized, this is what our country can expect.


I believe the description is 'Pathological'wink.pngrolleyes.gif



Exactly right!


It's bad enough if an 'ordinary' person is a pathological liar. But when someone occupying the office of President of the United States is a pathological liar......... well, no one should be surprised at the results: we're in deep doo-doo.

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It's hard not to be flip about this, but this is our biggest challenge in the election. Heck, it's the biggest challenge in dealing with the left.

Especially with the codependent press covering for them. You start to lose your frame of reference and its really tough to keep your eye focused on the core issues and not get distracted by trying to corral all the lies.



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