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Why Romney Has a Real Chance


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why-romney-has-real-chance-victor-davis-hansonNational Review Online:


The odds of defeating an incumbent president should be slim but they are in fact at least 50/50. Here are some reasons that this is true.


1) Romney is a more experienced and better candidate than he was in 2008. That often happens after a run or two. Nixon was tougher in 1968 than in 1960 in the way that Reagan was wiser in 1980 than in 1968 and 1976, and George H. W. Bush was better in 1988 than in 1980. McCain ran more effectively in the primaries in 2008 than he did in 2000. The Republican primary rough-housing sharpened Romney’s debating skills, and he seems far more comfortable than he was four years ago.


2) The old mantra that at some point the massive $5 trillion borrowing, the fed’s near-zero interest rate policies, and the natural cycle of recovery after a recession would kick in before the election increasingly appears somewhat dubious. The recovery is anemic, and seems stymied by high gas fears over Obamacare, and a new feeling that lots of businesspeople with capital are strangely holding off, either scared of what more of Obama’s statist policies have in store for them, or in anger about being demonized by Obama, or in hopes Romney might win. The net result is that the recovery by November might not be as strong as was thought six months ago.


3) Romney is going to be a lot tougher on Obama than was McCain in 2008. For all the complaints against his moderation by the tea-party, they will slowly rally to him as he makes arguments against Obama of the sort that McCain was perceived as unable or unwilling to make. So far Romney’s attitude is that he is in the arena where blows come thick and fast, and one can’t whine when being hit or hitting — a view far preferable to McCain’s lectures about what not to say or do in 2008. Left-wing preemptory charges that Romney is “swift-boating” or “going negative” will probably have slight effect on him. Just as Bill Clinton saw that Dukakis in 1988 had wanted to be liked rather than feared and so himself ran a quite different, tough 1992 race, so too Romney knows where McCain’s magnanimity got him in 2008. Romney won’t be liked by the press, knows it, and perhaps now welcomes it.


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3) Romney is going to be a lot tougher on Obama than was McCain in 2008



He damn well better be. Because (assuming he is the GOP candidate) what is coming down the road will make the primaries look like a Sunday school picnic.

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3) Romney is going to be a lot tougher on Obama than was McCain in 2008



He damn well better be. Because (assuming he is the GOP candidate) what is coming down the road will make the primaries look like a Sunday school picnic.


If Romney does nothing more than smile and pat Obama on the back he'll be tougher than McCain was.

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3) Romney is going to be a lot tougher on Obama than was McCain in 2008



He damn well better be. Because (assuming he is the GOP candidate) what is coming down the road will make the primaries look like a Sunday school picnic.


If Romney does nothing more than smile and pat Obama on the back he'll be tougher than McCain was.


Point well taken.

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3) Romney is going to be a lot tougher on Obama than was McCain in 2008



He damn well better be. Because (assuming he is the GOP candidate) what is coming down the road will make the primaries look like a Sunday school picnic.


If Romney does nothing more than smile and pat Obama on the back he'll be tougher than McCain was.


Point well taken.


I actually thought the way his team handled the whole dog thing was great. Straight to the point, shot across the bow...but with a great sense of humor. If he can keep that up, he may be in pretty good shape.


I have a hope: That during the primaries, he did what he had to do...but was focusing on the next step of taking it to Obama. Anticipating. Planning strategy. Developing tactics and logistics. Those are the things that would make him a good CEO. I'm hoping they translate.

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Ha, in your dreams


he's an xxxx yyyy zzzz qqqq

getta outta my house !


Oops, wrong forum



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I know there's a link to contribute here someplace, looking. looking.looking.looking looking

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3) Romney is going to be a lot tougher on Obama than was McCain in 2008



He damn well better be. Because (assuming he is the GOP candidate) what is coming down the road will make the primaries look like a Sunday school picnic.


If Romney does nothing more than smile and pat Obama on the back he'll be tougher than McCain was.


Point well taken.


I actually thought the way his team handled the whole dog thing was great. Straight to the point, shot across the bow...but with a great sense of humor. If he can keep that up, he may be in pretty good shape.


I have a hope: That during the primaries, he did what he had to do...but was focusing on the next step of taking it to Obama. Anticipating. Planning strategy. Developing tactics and logistics. Those are the things that would make him a good CEO. I'm hoping they translate.

Well, at least he didn't EAT the dog.
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Ha, in your dreams


he's an xxxx yyyy zzzz qqqq

getta outta my house !


Oops, wrong forum



Attention, Members,


Be sure to donate today or else our servers will melt.


I know there's a link to contribute here someplace, looking. looking.looking.looking looking

LOL..I still visit there. Haven't donated since years ago and the "GREAT PURGE".

Cleaned out ALL of the very few friends I had.

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Actually, I will fight for Noot till he drops. Then I will be a Romney man if that's what's left.

Anything else is pure suicide, and since I'm not moose-limb, I'm not into that.

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Actually, I will fight for Noot till he drops. Then I will be a Romney man if that's what's left.

Anything else is pure suicide, and since I'm not moose-limb, I'm not into that.




I hear ya !

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