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Democrats punt on Senate budget bill for third year


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democrats-punt-on-senate-budget-bill-for-3rd-yearThe Washington Times:


Democrats punt on Senate budget bill for third year

Committee chairman to revisit Bowles-Simpson plan of 2010


By Stephen Dinan

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

  • “I know this is sort of geeky stuff, but the hard reality is that the amount of time it takes to put together these plans is really daunting. This takes weeks and weeks and months and months of effort, and that’s why I think it’s important to begin.”- Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, North Dakota Democrat

In a stunning backtrack that virtually guarantees Congress for the third year will be unable to produce a budget, Senate Democrats’ top budget writer Tuesday canceled this week’s expected votes on a 2013 fiscal blueprint.

Instead, Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, North Dakota Democrat, said he will use the next few months to try to breathe life into the shelved 2-year-old Bowles-Simpson deficit commission proposal.

Mr. Conrad said he wasn’t able to get enough Democrats to back a fiscal 2013 budget, Scissors-32x32.png

So what's new with the Democrats kicking the ball down the road evil1.gif

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How is it even remotely possible that Republicans haven't figured out how to turn this into THE winning campaign issue? If this isn't in every single campaign ad starting yesterday onward, Republicans are more useless than democrats.

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