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‘Godzilla’ government: the Prez finally gets it


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‘Godzilla’ government: the Prez finally gets it


Last Updated: 12:35 AM, April 15, 2012

Posted: 10:41 PM, April 13, 2012





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frank_j_fleming.pngFrank J. Fleming


Scissors-32x32.pngPresident Obama is finally figuring out how to use government — namely, to hurt people we don’t like.


In response to higher gas prices, for instance, Obama is pushing for an end to oil subsidies — take that, oil companies! And with the bad economy leaving ends tight for many folks, he’s out to enact his “Buffett Rule” tax on the wealthy.

Now, you can’t come up with even a science-fiction scenario in which higher operating costs for oil companies will lower gas prices, or where taxes on the rich will provide more jobs — but that’s not the point. The point is that people don’t like oil companies or the wealthy. And the president’s willing to hurt them for us.





President Barack Obama



So by focusing on these things, has Obama given up on helping us? Probably — but only because he’s gotten smart about government.


Think of the federal government as Godzilla. If you sent Godzilla to feed the hungry or help find someone a job, he’d fail and leave a huge swath of destruction in his path. But if you told Godzilla, “Hey, go step on that guy!” he’d do a great job.


Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/godzilla_government_the_prez_finally_loZ4sc0UM6Kdu8GIvt5zfI#ixzz1s6ZUO4Aw

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