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Winning the War Against Women


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SB10001424052702304444604577341880068700476.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTopWall Street Journal:

Winning the War Against Women


The marriage tax and other obstacles to economic progress.


The Democrats have found their kind of war. It's the "war against women" they have conjured for the Obama Presidential campaign run. Should be fun, but don't look for any of the combatants to speak for the realities of today's women. Still, there's an opportunity here for Mitt Romney, if he'll seize it.


The White House has wasted little time capitalizing on Mr. Romney's perceived weakness among women. Polls show the President with a 20-point advantage over the Republican with women voters. Team Obama is hoping to use the recent fight over mandated insurance coverage for contraception to broaden the theater of war. Thus, Democrats have held a White House "women's summit," accused Mr. Romney of wanting to deny women health care and equal pay, and even hit Ann Romney for the war crime of being a stay-at-home mom.


Mr. Romney's unsurprising response was to go on defense. The campaign rolled out a bevy of female supporters to express outrage and to claim that White House economic policies are hurting women. True enough, but it's only the start of a better response. Mr. Romney's advantage lies in explaining to women why fat-boy government in general disproportionately hurts them, and how better policies are the path to genuine liberation.

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