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So, How’s That War on Moms Working Out for Ya?


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so-hows-that-war-on-moms-working-out-for-yaPajamas Media:

PJ Tatler


Bryan Preston

So, How’s That War on Moms Working Out for Ya?


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Scissors-32x32.pngThe week began with a shake-up in the GOP primary, when Rick Santorum announced that he was suspending his campaign. That left Mitt Romney with a lock on the nomination. The Obama White House/campaign signaled going into the holiday weekend that it intended to make Mitt Romney’s wealth a centerpiece of its messaging, and on Monday the president made good on that and started a major push to support the Buffett Rule. That rule is essentially a surtax on millionaires, and the point of highlighting it was to point out that Romney is rich and to drive up resentment against him. The Buffett Rule serves no other purpose; by Democrats’ own admission it will not meaningfully reduce the deficit. It punishes success and sound investment.


The president and vice president hit the trail to promote the Buffett Rule and needle Mitt Romney for being rich. Obama adviser, Democrat strategist and frequent White House visitor Hilary Rosen (35 visits in three years) did her part, taking to CNN to quip that Ann Romney, mother of five and survivor of cancer and MS, “never worked a day in her life.” It was a blatant attack on stay-at-home mothers and the families who are blessed to have them. When she faced criticism, Rosen doubled down on Twitter and in a column for the left-wing Huffington Post. Ann Romney took to Twitter to defend herself. Democrats who were not in on the attack got nervous. The White House/campaign stood silent. Criticism mounted. Rosen apologized. But let’s take a second look at that apology and note the highlighted parts.

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