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Obama's Zimmerman problem


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Obama's Zimmerman problem


by Patrick J. Buchanan


God save me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies.


That thought must be coursing through the mind of President Obama right now as his White House rigs for silent running in the murder trial of George Zimmerman.


Obama foolishly inserted himself into this volatile case weeks ago, and injected the issue of race. Expressing empathy with the family of Trayvon Martin, Obama flashed a signal of racial solidarity:


"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."


Obama also implied that he shares the liberal perspective that America is a country where black kids must walk in daily fear of white racist vigilantes.


"All of us have to do some soul-searching to figure out how does something like this happen. And that means that we examine the laws and the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident."


Translation: The death of Trayvon tells us something is wrong with America.


To most Americans, this is a slander against their country, refuted by the statistics on interracial crime. Obama, however, buys into it.


Angela Corey, the special prosecutor, says that the charge against Zimmerman of second-degree murder was based on evidence and not influenced by the weeks of demonstrations, demands and threats from black leaders. Scissors-32x32.png


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Orlando Sentinel Judge in George Zimmerman case offers to recuse herself


By Liz Goodwin | The Lookout – 47 mins ago

Florida judge Friday offered to recuse herself from the George Zimmerman case in a surprise hearing because of her husband's ties to a CNN legal analyst and commentator.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Judge Jessica Recksiedler disclosed that her husband works for Mark NeJame, a prominent Orlando attorney, in the five-minute hearing Friday afternoon. In addition to working for his law firm, NeJame sounds off on the Zimmerman case for CNN. It's unclear if either attorney will take Recksideler up on her offer and ask her to step aside.

NeJame said on CNN today that Recksideler wants to avoid "the appearance of impropriety" with this disclosure.Scissors-32x32.pngohmy.png I am shock

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I seems certain that this Travon case will be just what Obama needs to solidify the Black vote behind him in November.


Hmmm.... What do you mean he already has that? rolleyes.gif

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I seems certain that this Travon case will be just what Obama needs to solidify the Black vote behind him in November.


Hmmm.... What do you mean he already has that? rolleyes.gif


The real news is that he has alienated the hispanic vote with his racist interference.

Blacks are going to vote 95% for Obama no matter what. Call it the "Marion Barry" syndrome.

They are a lost cause.

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