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The Tea Party Is Not Over


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the-tea-party-is-not-overAmerican Spectator:

WASHINGTON -- All is bleak. All is woe! I speak of the Tea Party movement, the movement of 2009 and 2010 that was the hot news story of those years, and led to the Republican rout of the Democrats in 2010. Now the Tea Party movement is according to reports in the media in decline.

Was it extremist? Was it racist? Distinguished Americans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton said it was. Yet their evidence when it came under objective scrutiny kept falling apart, as so many of their hoaxes over the years have fallen apart: Ms. Tawana Brawley, the 1979-1980 Atlanta killings supposedly by local cops who spent their leisure hours in the Ku Klux Klan. I cannot think of another couple of hucksters who have adduced so much evidence of heinous behavior by the American majority only to have the evidence go poof! The Tea Party movement was neither extremist nor racist. In fact, it was what Americans look like when they suddenly become alive to politics: somewhat amateurish, terrifically enthusiastic, and eventually quite serious about practicing the political arts at the local level, in Madison, Wisconsin; in Waco, Texas; in Tucson, Arizona -- all locales far, far away from Washington, D.C. Though I have reason to suspect that the Tea Partiers may return to Washington, D.C. after the November elections. Read on.

The Washington Post related an interesting finding in another dolorous story with hints of an obituary about the Tea Partiers. According to a Washington Post/ABC News Poll, 44 percent of the American people supported the Tea Partiers, 43 percent opposed them. I saw polls like that going back to 2009. The intensity of feeling against them augurs ill for the Tea Partiers, but that does not tell us much. The newness and controversial nature of the Tea Party movement has passed. Its members are not much in the news today. There are other stories making headlines. The 44-43 percent divide among Americans remains, though the Tea Partiers get few headlines. Why?Scissors-32x32.png

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Well....Mr, Tyrell has some interesting points here....not necessarily facts....but points - or opinions if you prefer.


But there is proof....there is proof positive THAT the tea party prospers, THAT the constitutionalist (or conservative, if you will) movement is bright, shiny, and on the march locally and nationally.....


Trouble is, we're going to have to wait a bit for that proof. We'll know for sure on November 7, 2012.


We'll know if state elections have moved to the right. We'll know if the national election has finally eradicated the awful, destructive stain that now besmirches the office of President. We'll know if the national election provides a solid majority of conservative, constitutionally based members of both houses of congress.........


Or not.


Time will tell.....not polls, not opinions for or against....




And the election in November.


And nothing else.


Until then, it's all just.....well....opinion.

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The problem with any statement about the Tea Party is that it is NOT a party... it's something much better.


It's a group of ordinary Americans (who for the most part) were not strongly connected to any political organization... but rather made themselves visible when certain events were about to transpire... (Obamacare, etc)


They are unlike most Occupy people... these people have jobs, lives, families and important things to do beside sitting in a tent smoking weed, reading poetry and strumming a guitar.


However they have not gone away or changed their beliefs. They (me included) are waiting for a meaningful time to act in a meaningful way... (Like vote the Zero and all his minions out of office... and campaign events near that will effect that outcome.)


Rasmussen shows that of the 52% who disapprove of the job that Obama is doing... 40% STRONGLY disapprove. That's compared to the 26% who strongly approve.


My belief is that most of that 40% who strongly disapprove are the Tea Party.... whether they know it or not.

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It is not a party and yet about a week ago Mr.n. answered the telephone to someone who claimed to be representing the Tea Party and was soliciting funds. Has anyone else received a call like that?

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It is not a party and yet about a week ago Mr.n. answered the telephone to someone who claimed to be representing the Tea Party and was soliciting funds. Has anyone else received a call like that?



That was me calling... I thought y'all might be an easy touch... as my funds were running a little low. rolleyes.gif


Seriously, I've not received a Tea Party solicitation but get lots of RNC and NRA calls lately.


What really chaps my backside is when the RNC sends me letters saying "Statement Enclosed" with an "amount due" equaling my last contribution from several years ago.

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It is not a party and yet about a week ago Mr.n. answered the telephone to someone who claimed to be representing the Tea Party and was soliciting funds. Has anyone else received a call like that?

Probably Newt

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