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White House Obama campaign ready for a 'ramping up' on Romney


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475351Washington Examiner:

For all the turmoil of the long primary season, President Barack Obama is right where he expected to be: taking on Mitt Romney and targeting him as a wishy-washy protector of the rich. With the November outcome likely to hinge on the economy, Obama will now engage more directly with the help of an experienced, well-financed campaign organization.



The campaign for the White House took on a decidedly different feel on Wednesday, a true two-man race for the first time. Yet even as Republican Rick Santorum's withdrawal a day earlier changed the dynamic, beginning the general election in earnest, the contours of the Romney-Obama race had already been becoming clear.


Both sides will keep pounding voters with ferocious arguments over who has the best vision for jobs, economic security and giving Americans a shot at a better life. In sharp and steady doses, directly or through aides, Obama and Romney will also accuse the other of being dishonest with voters and out-of-touch with their daily woes.



Everything gets faster and louder now.


Obama will pick his spots in targeting Romney directly until the election draws closer, needing to juggle the demands of his job and eager to remind everyone that he is the one who is already the president. Obama's Chicago-based campaign, meanwhile, will be working vigorously to challenge Romney and try to define him.



In a sign of the bitter fight ahead, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina went after Romney the day the race was joined: "The more the American people see of Mitt Romney, the less they like him and the less they trust him." The Obama campaign followed that on Wednesday with a video of some of Romney's most divisive or awkward moments during the Republican primaries, titled: "Mitt Romney: Memories to last a lifetime."Scissors-32x32.png

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