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Media Repeat Obama's Big Lie About Mortgage Crisis


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new-evidence-shows-credit-quotas-caused-crisis.htmInvestors Business Daily:

Accountability: The White House is still blaming banks for the mortgage crisis, and the media are going along, ignoring new evidence that federal credit quotas caused it.



This is not an academic debate. The housing industry is still on its back, and Obama's regulatory takeover of the financial sector has made things worse.


Sorting out who got the nation into this mess — the social engineers on Pennsylvania Avenue or the bankers on Wall Street — will be central to the political debate throughout this critical election year.

President Obama and Democrats are acutely aware of this. They have the most to hide, and the most to lose if their false narrative is exposed.


In a recent campaign speech in South Portland, Maine, Obama chastened Republicans for deregulating Wall Street. "The last thing we can afford to do right now is go back to the very same policies that got us into this mess in the first place," he said.



Repeating the talking point, White House spokesman Jay Carney a few days later warned reporters the country can't go back to "the same policies that got us into the fiscal mess and economic mess that we're just recovering from."


The reliably pro-Obama Washington Post did its part by trying to turn back a tide of new evidence showing government overregulation of the mortgage industry, not deregulation, actually caused the crisis.Scissors-32x32.png

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