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Obama or Romney: The republic fails either way


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Obama or Romney: The republic fails either way


Exclusive: Alan Keyes applies words of Christ to 'lesser of 2 evils' dilemma



Published: 03/29/2012 at 7:59 PM

byAlan KeyesEmail | Archive

Once a high-level Reagan-era diplomat, Alan Keyes is a long-time leader in the conservative movement. He is well-known as a staunch pro-life champion and an eloquent advocate of the constitutional republic, including respect for the moral basis of liberty and self-government. He has worked to promote an approach to politics based on the initiative of citizens of goodwill consonant with the with the principles of God-endowed natural right.More ↓Less ↑

This saps credibility from the notion that there is any starkly fateful difference between GOP Republicans and Obama-faction Democrats. They are opposite wings of the same elitist faction, flapping in unison as socialism takes flight. … (“Is Republican infighting a bad thing?”)

As I anticipated, “the elitist machinations of the sham party system are predictably moving America toward another false choice between an avowed socialist Democrat and a prevaricating socialist Republican.” Marco Rubio’s endorsement of Mitt Romney kicks off an orchestrated wavelet of “influential” endorsements, signaling an end to the sham competition that culminated in a not very credible “dramatic face-off” between Romney and one of his 2008 cheerleaders, Rick Santorum. After a brief flash of truthfulness in which Santorum admitted that the “choice” between Romney and Obama is a falsehood liable to be fatal to American liberty, the former U.S. senator has dutifully retracted it. Not only will he break out his briefly discarded Romney-for-President pompoms on cue, he manfully allows as how it would be his patriotic duty to consider serving as Romney’s VP if asked to do so.

The only thing breathtaking about this news is the cynical dexterity with which Santorum slips into the costume of patriotism to disguise his sadly not unexpected surrender to expediency. He has the makings of a 21st century Talleyrand, who uses the political capital invested in him by the patrons he intends to betray to buy favor with those to whom he intends to betray them. This is the difference between Judas and a “Judas goat.” To Judas, the 30 pieces of silver were a bitter reproach. He flings them away. To the “Judas goat” they are a fair wage, poised for reinvestment.

In 2008 I refused to support John McCain and rejected the specious argument that made it imperative to support the”lesser of evils.” Scissors-32x32.png

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By the time one plows through Mr. Key's writings, two facts are painfully evident.


1. He repeats the old saw of "we need a constitutionally based, conservative 3rd party, and

2. He offers not one spec of "how" to accomplish this.


In short....nothing new, just more of the same.


The time to actually begin a third party is the day after the elections are held this November. If it takes hold, the '14 mid-terms will give the first indication. If it doesn't (and history teaches us that it won't - or at least has a very dim chance of making it), then it will have two more years to become a real party. After that, despite Mr. Key's protestations to the contrary...it (like its predecessors) will have failed, and will be relegated to the dust bins of history...much like the "tea party" seems to be doing presently.

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1. He repeats the old saw of "we need a constitutionally based, conservative 3rd party, and


I used to get into some very....intense discussions at TOS about this. 3rd parties are not real political parties, they are debating societies. I say this because they vary rarely get their members elected. Getting like minded people elected to office and implementing their ideas is what political parties do. These guys sit around and A. debate the minutiae of a policy in great detail, and ignore the nuts and bolts of how to get someone actuall elected.


2. He offers not one spec of "how" to accomplish this.


It's always easier to be a revolutionary than to be a practical politician...and more fun.

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1. He repeats the old saw of "we need a constitutionally based, conservative 3rd party, and


I used to get into some very....intense discussions at TOS about this. 3rd parties are not real political parties, they are debating societies. I say this because they vary rarely get their members elected. Getting like minded people elected to office and implementing their ideas is what political parties do. These guys sit around and A. debate the minutiae of a policy in great detail, and ignore the nuts and bolts of how to get someone actuall elected.


2. He offers not one spec of "how" to accomplish this.


It's always easier to be a revolutionary than to be a practical politician...and more fun.


We are in agreement....100%!

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Alan Keyes has found the perfect soapbox in the WND to spout his thinking and beliefs.


He's sure proven himself to be "in a league of his own" with his ability to lay out a political game plan and win elections. /s


Keyes also has some "interesting" folks on some other well know forums pushing him as the "White Knight" who will ride in to save the day.

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Alan Keyes has found the perfect soapbox in the WND to spout his thinking and beliefs.


He's sure proven himself to be "in a league of his own" with his ability to lay out a political game plan and win elections. /s


Keyes also has some "interesting" folks on some other well know forums pushing him as the "White Knight" who will ride in to save the day.



Alan Keyes.....There was a time when many of us invested a great deal of hope in him.

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