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Obama as Farce


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obama_as_farce.htmlAmerican Thinker:



April 11, 2012

Obama as Farce

By William L. Gensert


Karl Marx said history repeats itself, "first as tragedy, then as farce." Barack Obama has reversed that. His first term was certainly farce; his second will be tragedy.


Obama has Forrest Gumped his way through his presidency, except without the success, charm, and endearing sweetness of the original. He has given America three and a half years of farce, even if no one is laughing.


He is an adumbrated president, desperate about his re-election prospects. Sold as a bipartisan moderate, a post-racial healer, a transformative leader -- we were told he would not just solve our problems, but heal the earth and save humanity.


The president has governed as a hyper-partisan, race-baiting, barely present tyrant with absolutely no leadership skills and little regard for the constitution. His daily ululations paint anyone who dares to disagree as evil and un-American. People are either pro-Barack or an enemy of the nation -- there is no in-between.

[emphasis mine]


It is the intangible aspects of the presidency where Barack Obama is most adept: entertaining, vacationing, and golf. The parties are legendary and extravagant. Bringing the NBA to the White House, or the NFL or Motown or Broadway -- when he feels like it, the party comes to him. The vacations are even more extravagant, and the golf...everyone knows about the golf. He may not be good, but at least he puts in the time.


America has to pay for it all, but this is an opportunity to see the true Barack Obama, surrounded by minions and sycophants Scissors-32x32.png

Edited by Rheo
added original source
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