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Huckabee Show Opens With Staged Caller


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huckabee-show-opens-with-stageAmerican Spectator:



As we often say here: you just can't make it up.


Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took his first phone call of his new talk radio call-in show yesterday. From "Mike in San Francisco." Remember: the show is being positioned by the Cumulus Media Network as the conservative show with "more conversation, less confrontation." Or, as it is certainly being pushed in the anti-Rush Limbaugh media, the show for moderate Republicans that will Take Rush Out. RINO Radio, as we noted here last week.


But there seemed to be something slightly out of whack.


That something?


The very first phone call, arriving some fifty minutes into the show. To anyone with an ear for talk radio it had a startling quality.




No one seemed to remember to give the call-in number to the audience until the very last few seconds of those first fifty minutes. But yet… presto!... within seconds, Mike Huckabee did in fact have a caller on the line! Without ever questioning how that caller could have gotten on that line in less time than it takes Obama to blame Bush for anything!


The caller…"Mike from San Francisco"… was in fact not just your average Mike.Scissors-32x32.png

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Huck ain't my huckleberry....


He ripped it with me when he joined up with McCain in the last primary.


I'd rather watch 12 hours of Huckleberry Hound reruns than listen to anything that Huckabee has to say.

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