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Obama's Re-Election: A Stake in the Heart of the American Spirit


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obamas_re-election_a_stake_in_the_heart_of_the_american_spirit.htmlAmerican Thinker:

I love people who think outside the box -- people who do not quickly surrender and throw their unique vision on the trash heap of impossible dreams simply because others disapprove or think it cannot be done.

The architect said, OK, let me make sure I understand. You want me to design a glass building in earthquake country (California), with no interior structural supports obstructing the view to the front, and you have no money. Dr. Robert Schuller's response was, "Yes." Dr Schuller's crazy, impossible dream, the Crystal Cathedral, was completed in 1981 and continues to inspire the world.

Then there's the crazy knucklehead who said in a board meeting, let's build an eight-acre fountain in the desert with water shooting 150 feet into the air and set to music. The dancing waters outside the Bellagio (hotel and casino) in Las Vegas are a spectacular testimony to man's imagination and ingenuity.

Such independent pioneer thinking is the polar opposite of the nanny-state ultra-government-control thinking sweeping America today. A retired developer friend told me that 40 years ago, his mom sold cookies which she baked in her kitchen to get him and his siblings through college. Today, government would demand that his mom have a $70,000 commercial oven and a half-million-dollar insurance policy.

We've heard stories of government shutting down kids' lemonade stands. You need a permit and government permission, and you need to pay a tax for almost everything you do.

In the name of protecting us and the planet, the Obama administration via ObamaCare is usurping unprecedented authority to control every aspect of life in America. Few knew that Obama's vow to fundamentally transform America equaled a shock-and-awe attack on our freedom.Scissors-32x32.png

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