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Obama Nails His Blue Colors to the Mast


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obama-nails-his-blue-colors-to-the-mastVia Meadia:

Walter Russell Mead



The past few years have seen a number of blue-state Democratic governors—from California to New York to Vermont—driven by dire fiscal situations to attack the blue model. Yet this tide of reform washing over the Democratic Party at the state level still hasn’t gone national.


Up until recently, President Obama had been somewhat vague on this issue, but with campaign season beginning in earnest this is quickly changing. In a statement on Tuesday, Obama did more than blast the budget proposed by the House GOP; he stepped out as the defender in chief of big blue. The New York Times reports that Obama attacked the GOP budget as “an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country” and as “thinly veiled social Darwinism” due to its plan for lower taxes on high-earners and significant restructuring of government programs like Medicaid. Though Obama did not respond with a coherent budget proposal of his own, he did sketch out the broad outlines of his proposed response: higher taxes on the wealthy and increased spending on education, police, and other local services.


The Republican budget may or may not be the way forward, and there is doubtless much to criticize within it. Yet Obama’s response hardly advances the debate, reading as it does like a laundry-list of blue dream ideas that have dominated Democratic thinking for decades. Rather than proposing an alternative model for the future to compete with the GOP’s, the President appears content to run on what is essentially a stand pat program: the only thing wrong with the blue social model is that it is underfunded.



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Obama attacked the GOP budget as “an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country” and as “thinly veiled social Darwinism”




Does that make Obama the Creator???




"Voters are divided. There is a hard core blue group that depends either on the services and income transfers that the blue model offers (though less effectively and with fewer guarantees for the future as time goes on) or on the salaries that blue government pays. And there is a significant business lobby that benefits from special connections with government spending."


Income transfer, a perfect euphemism for taking from the gains of hardworking men and women and funneling it to the predominantly ne'er do wells and welfare queens.

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Obama attacked the GOP budget as “an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country” and as “thinly veiled social Darwinism”




Does that make Obama the Creator???


In his world that is what is known as a really stupid question! blink.png


Of course he is. Although being the humble person that he is, he would never say it out loud.

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