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Is Obama 'Dangerously Close To Totalitarianism'?


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obama-dangerously-close-to-totalitarianism.htmInvestors Business Daily:

Power: Given the president's end-runs around Congress, his shredding of the Constitution and his assault on the authority of the courts, a second term free of electoral restraints may be a frightening prospect.

Judge Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News commentator, raised the question on Neil Cavuto's "Your World" show Wednesday. And while it seems fanciful in light of the safeguards built into our democracy and its institutions, it recognizes the threat posed by the president's policies and actions if left unchecked.

"I think the president is dangerously close to totalitarianism," Napolitano opined. "A few months ago he was saying, 'The Congress doesn't count, the Congress doesn't mean anything, I am going to rule by decree and by administrative regulation.'

"Now he's basically saying the Supreme Court doesn't count. It doesn't matter what they think. They can't review our legislation. That would leave just him as the only branch of government standing."

Some would consider this borderline hyperbole. But this is, after all, a president who has said he can't wait for Congress to act and will govern by executive order and regulations if necessary. He has questioned the Supreme Court's "unprecedented" review of ObamaCare.

As the Department of Justice turned in its homework assignment on the judicial review of the constitutionality of laws, it was a reminder that this is an administration that's already been found in contempt of court by a federal judge.

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He does appear to have totalitarian inclination (being a good solid lefty), but before we go all doom and gloom we have to remember we have a fine old tradition in America of tell the government to go F... themselves.

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He does appear to have totalitarian inclination (being a good solid lefty), but before we go all doom and gloom we have to remember we have a fine old tradition in America of tell the government to go F... themselves.


I believe that tradition was started over 150 years ago by folks who stood on their own two feet, earned their living by work, and had little use for an "all powerful" central government.


Times have changed.


SS, Medicare/Medicaide, Unemployment, wellfare, free health care, food stamps, free loans, bail outs...


Many many many "citizens" of the US today depend - repeat - DEPEND - on the central government for their food, payment of their debts, a roof over their head, free education and healthcare.


Comparitively few are left who manage to live under the same aculturation as did those folks from 150 years ago.


A "tradition" there may be...but fewer and fewer live by it.


And frighteningly enough, a new "tradition" is being born even as we speak.

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He does appear to have totalitarian inclination (being a good solid lefty), but before we go all doom and gloom we have to remember we have a fine old tradition in America of tell the government to go F... themselves.


I believe that tradition was started over 150 years ago by folks who stood on their own two feet, earned their living by work, and had little use for an "all powerful" central government.



I assume you are talking about the Civil war. If so I have one word....Slavery.

I know some want to pretend that war was not about slavery, but when we dig down through all the arguments, it comes down to this, some people thought it was ok for one person to own another person. To force someone to do what they didn't want to.



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