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Suggested Video: Obama Protesting at Harvard in 1990


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My problem is that there is not more of a record of The "o" engaging in these types of activities. This is the kind of thing that "community organizers" do for a living. I have tried everything (short of going to Chicago) to find some news stories of the past behavior of this man. None seem to exist. They have to be in some archive, somewhere.


I can't help but wonder what the liberal media thinks will happen to a free press if the agenda that The "o" and his associates are putting into play is allowed to come to fruition.



What is already happening........crony journalism! The print media is almost history....and liberal talk radio? They'll both be getting "equal" time & bailouts from the next Oblunder admin.

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Yeah, but how will they react when they are told that, once the "The Cause" is won, they will be REQUIRED to toe the line, when all of their Utopian fantasies have been blasted away?


("Utopia".....Attic Greek for "No Place")

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Yeah, but how will they react when they are told that, once the "The Cause" is won, they will be REQUIRED to toe the line, when all of their Utopian fantasies have been blasted away?


("Utopia".....Attic Greek for "No Place")

Life on your knees......for some.....is better than the alternative. They become "apparatchik's." [a full-time, professional functionary of the Communist Party or government;]

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Missed Hannity at 7:00 so stayed up to watch him at 10:00. I am Michelle Malkin's new fan. She was great!


Michelle Malkin is great! As smart, common sense endowed and brave as they come. OCTex and I have been fans of hers for years.

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The MSM certainly wouldn't spend any time on a story if someone found an 1990s video of Romney, Santorum, or Gingrich embracing David Duke... or attended church for years at the Westboro Baptist Church. We'd hear CNN's Soledad O'Brian say, "Nothing to see here... keep moving folks".


Yea... right!

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My problem is that there is not more of a record of The "o" engaging in these types of activities. This is the kind of thing that "community organizers" do for a living. I have tried everything (short of going to Chicago) to find some news stories of the past behavior of this man. None seem to exist. They have to be in some archive, somewhere.


I can't help but wonder what the liberal media thinks will happen to a free press if the agenda that The "o" and his associates are putting into play is allowed to come to fruition.


Save yourself the money for air fare or gas to Chicago. The o was anointed years ago and the defensive cover is still tightly sealed.

Rezko, Blago - you name 'em - nada!!. Makes me utterly sick. Crook County is almost 100% DemoRat controlled from press to public officials to the law to Big Unions to the citizenry. Liberalism is a religion there.

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The MSM certainly wouldn't spend any time on a story if someone found an 1990s video of Romney, Santorum, or Gingrich embracing David Duke... or attended church for years at the Westboro Baptist Church. We'd hear CNN's Soledad O'Brian say, "Nothing to see here... keep moving folks".


Yea... right!


I made that exact point at CGR. I was answered that I was comparing Bell with Duke.

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CNN's Soledad O'Brien, Liberal Guest Team Up to Attack Breitbart Editor Over 'Critical Race Theory'



By Matt Hadro | March 08, 2012 | 17:01


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When Breitbart.com's Joel Pollak went on CNN and connected then-law student Barack Obama to radical Harvard professor Derrick Bell, CNN guest Jay Thomas of Sirius radio began creepily asking Pollak if he was afraid of violence from black people, on Thursday morning's Starting Point.


During the chippy segment, host Soledad O'Brien fiercely defended Bell and insisted that Obama's previous support of him was a non-story. She accused Pollak of "misreading" Bell's critical race theory, even though the professor has clearly espoused radical views in his past, including writing a fictional account of how blacks would be sold to aliens as slaves. O'Brien also failed to disclose that she herself is an admitted admirer of Bell's. [Video below the break. Audio here.]


Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matt-hadro/2012/03/08/cnn-guest-bullies-breitbart-editor-over-obama-video-asks-if-hes-afraid-b#ixzz1oiF5Rj4n

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Power Line: Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees of Separation

John Hinderaker



John Podhoretz and Patterico highlight a close connection between Barack Obama and Khalid Muhammad. Obama, as we know, was a disciple of Derrick Bell; in the video that Breitbart.com released a few days ago, he urged his listeners to open their hearts and minds to Bell’s teachings. So, what were Bell’s teachings?


Bell was a fervent admirer of Louis Farrakhan and Khalid Muhammad of the Nation of Islam. Podhoretz quotes a 1994 interview in which Bell said, “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.” Our readers are well aware of the repellent Farrakhan, but who was Khalid Muhammad? Patterico gives us Muhammad’s “Kill the Cracker” speech, in which Muhammad, whom Derrick Bell so admired, advocated genocide:




Muhammad gave his “kill them all” speech in 1993, and was famous for it in the circles in which Derrick Bell moved when Bell said, in 1994, that “we should really appreciate” Khalid Muhammad. (UPDATE: This YouTube video is from a reprise, circa 1996, of Muhammad's 1993 speech; you can see the 1993 speech, where Muhammad first said, "We kill the women. We kill the children. We kill the babies. We kill the blind. We kill the crippled. We kill the [imitates a crazy person]. We kill ‘em all. We kill the faggots. We kill the lesbians. We kill them all.” at the Patterico link.)

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I made that exact point at CGR. I was answered that I was comparing Bell with Duke.


As well you should @Valin... The only difference is one is embraced by liberal academia and elitist LIBs and the other didn't have the academic credentials and cult following.

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