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Suggested Video: Obama Protesting at Harvard in 1990


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I don't think there was a lot there. The interesting thing to me is that it had never been online and a media outlet made it available now.

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I don't think there was a lot there. The interesting thing to me is that it had never been online and a media outlet made it available now.


Why do you suppose that is?

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However, the video has been selectively edited--either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, Breitbart.com will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama's allies in the mainstream media and academia.


Breitbart.com Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News' Hannity.

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Known as lancing a boil. The "Carbuncle-in-Chief" may now rest easier. Amazing what billions of "Soros-bucks" can buy.

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However, the video has been selectively edited--either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, Breitbart.com will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama's allies in the mainstream media and academia.


Breitbart.com Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News' Hannity.


If I understand it correctly the whole video will be on Sean Hannity's show tonight.

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"Progressi​ve" achiever..................from Rico


This man...a notorious Freedom and America hater said openly that his fondest memories were of his early teenage years, when as a young Hungarian Jew he helped the Nazis ferret-out other Jews and their treasures.


He later went on to 'brag' that his greatest lifetime accomplishment was to 'break' the Bank of England.


He has NOT been bragging about being instrumental in placing Obama-Soetoro in the pResidency, however.

- I think it's because his next planned crowning achievement is to be remembered as the man who 'broke' America.

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That one was background on the situation, not the actual tape.

Good background as they do mention, as Andrew did at CPac, the Annenberg Challenge.


In 2008, PJ media was trying to vet this and brought it out.


Obama, Ayers, and the Annenberg Challenge Cover-Up


Barack Obama and the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers have worked closely together on education reform since 1995, and possibly since 1987. Obama has obfuscated and minimized this association in his public statements and on his website. Why the cover-up? We don’t know, since we aren’t sure what is being concealed.


It’s becoming known as the Annenberg Challenge cover-up and it’s become big news since the McCain campaign highlighted it in a press release late Wednesday.




Sounds like they have a lot of video. Not just on this issue. This is the first issue.


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PBS showed embrace but blocked the audio years ago.


The lengths the media will go to set the narrative and deflect.

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Media suppresses and shift away from BHO.


We are going to vet BHO. Now the mainstream media is getting off their butts to spin this.

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Missed Hannity at 7:00 so stayed up to watch him at 10:00. I am Michelle Malkin's new fan. She was great!

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I gotta get caught up on these tapes and their whole background.


I do love the above graphic... and compare it to the MSM's frenzy to investigate every detail and document of GWB's military records.

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Ricochet: The Latest Breitbart Video: A Stupid Fight to Pick?



Just before he died, Andrew Breitbart intimated that he had some really damning videos he was going to release which would be a big problem for Obama. He promised it would be part of a proper vetting of the president, which wasn't done in 2008.




To me this doesn't seem to have much more evidence to support it than does the birther kookiness. Frankly, I think that without a smoking gun, these guilt by association arguments that much of the right has obsessed over since 2008 are just straight losers for conservatives. All they do is generate conspiratorial arguments that are difficult to prove and which feed the meme that we're all a bunch of racists.


I know a lot of people think this video and the connection the Breitbart crew are trying to make between Obama and Bell's crazy ideas prove that Obama is in fact the racist. But it just doesn't play that way to normal people. And without hard, explicit evidence of Obama directly espousing racist rhetoric and ideas, this comes off as nothing but a feeble and ugly reach.


Are we more interested in theatrics and over-the-top accusations, or are we interested in reassuring normal people that we're also normal and not the reactionary witch-hunters we are so often caricatured as?




After having watched these video, I have to say...Yes?...And?


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Or......as Breitbart liked to say............"So?"


I know a lot of people think this video and the connection the Breitbart crew are trying to make between Obama and Bell's crazy ideas prove that Obama is in fact the racist. But it just doesn't play that way to normal people. And without hard, explicit evidence of Obama directly espousing racist rhetoric and ideas, this comes off as nothing but a feeble and ugly reach.


Seems to me that just in his Department of In-Justice, there is enough Black Panther, Black Farmer payout, black reverse racism.....to fully provide evidence, of his "bias." More than that, it proves a sincere association with socialist activists, that he dodged [w/Lame stream media help] in 2008.

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My problem is that there is not more of a record of The "o" engaging in these types of activities. This is the kind of thing that "community organizers" do for a living. I have tried everything (short of going to Chicago) to find some news stories of the past behavior of this man. None seem to exist. They have to be in some archive, somewhere.


I can't help but wonder what the liberal media thinks will happen to a free press if the agenda that The "o" and his associates are putting into play is allowed to come to fruition.

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