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GleickGate: Climate change activism takes a big step backward


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gleickgate-climate-change-activism-takes-a-big-step-backwardHouston Chronical:

It’s been a few days since the controversial leak of internal Heartland Institute documents, which revealed what we already knew: This is a partisan organization keen on sowing dissent about the prevailing scientific view of climate change.

However this story has taken an explosive turn as Peter Gleick has revealed himself as the originator of the documents. Writing on his blog, he says: Scissors-32x32.png

Thus a policeman for scientific ethics at one of this country’s most prestigious scientific organizations has just made an incredibly serious ethics violation. If you wanted to hand red meat to your opponents in the battle for public hearts and minds in the climate change debate, congratulations, you have just done it. Skeptics are already having a field day.


Beyond the very serious legal consequences Gleick faces, he has unquestionably ceded some of the high ground scientists held in the climate science debate. It will not be easily won back. :snip:




He was chairman of a ethics panel for scientists. He created a fake email address similar to a board member and requested an update or such in prep for a board meeting. There is also a fake document involved that he says was sent to him, but many had picked him out as the possible author BEFORE he confessed to "stealing" the emails.

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