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Is This The Way Republicans Show They're Colorblind? By LARRY ELDER


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republicans-cant-be-democrats-on-race.htmInvestors Business Daily:

'Which of our Hispanic leaders would you consider to serve in your Cabinet?" A woman attending the last Republican debate in Florida asked this of the four Republican rivals.

Oh, for crying out loud! Ethnic-based Cabinet appointees? Do we still need to go out and "seek" people of a certain color or religion to show "fairness and inclusion"? What about considering the best people possible — isn't that the only appropriate answer to that question?

But Republicans go all Democrat, all too often, in front of black and brown audiences. They say things to show how empathic they are, rather than promote their principles as beneficial to all, regardless of race or gender or ethnicity.

Look at the way former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum answered this Cabinet question. Obviously anticipating such a query, they spat out practically every Hispanic name they could think of short of the Frito Bandito.

Only one, libertarian Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, said the right thing. Paul simply said he wanted someone who understands fiscal and monetary policy — "Hispanic or otherwise." And Paul won't be the nominee.

Founded The Klan

The perception of Republicans as racist is joyfully promoted by Democrats like Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., who said that Republicans "want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws."

Meanwhile, Democrats have successfully airbrushed away their own sordid racist history. This includes the founding of the Ku Klux Klan, which many called "the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party." This also includes opposing the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

Yet today, by branding the GOP as the party of the racists, Democrats pull over 90% of the black vote in presidential elections.Scissors-32x32.png

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That was a good column. Republicans keep dragging around this ball and chain because they keep allowing themselves to respond to it. Can we drop the guilt complex and move forward. "I hire the most qualified people. If you look at my team, that is what I see and that is what you should see. Next question."

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Can we drop the guilt complex and move forward. "I hire the most qualified people. If you look at my team, that is what I see and that is what you should see. Next question."

Excellent response candidate Rokke. How is snoozen at pushups and tug of war?

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Can we drop the guilt complex and move forward. "I hire the most qualified people. If you look at my team, that is what I see and that is what you should see. Next question."

Excellent response candidate Rokke. How is snoozen at pushups and tug of war?

She works out...678930_1.jpg

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