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Sweet Meteor of Death 2012


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As I said back in December, I have no plans to endorse a candidate for President of the United States. I wrote, at the time, “I would prefer instead to tell you exactly what I think about each of the candidates, good or bad, and let the chips fall where they may.”

Since then, I have routinely been asked who I would endorse. Today, after a lot of reflection on this race, I can honestly say my position has not changed and I would honestly prefer Ace of Spades’ sweet meteor of death than any of the candidates left in the race. Only the sweet meteor of death seems capable of stopping both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. I can take the easy way out and not endorse because while I recognize politics necessitates compromise, I would have to compromise my intellectual honesty too much to choose any of the remaining candidates. Tonight, on my radio show, I put my weight behind the sweet meteor of death. You can listen to my reasons why here.

The Republican Party is putting itself in the hands of the economy. With Mitt Romney as the nominee, we will be forced to hope for a deteriorating economy because, while I will vote for him and think he is vastly better than Barack Obama, the fact is he has made no case for himself against Barack Obama except that he can do a better job on the economy. And let’s be clear — no Republican should hope or appear to be hoping for a deteriorating economy. It’s just that with no other justification for his election other than electability based on the ability to fix the economy, if the economy fixes itself, suddenly there is no justification for Mitt Romney’s electability.

My sincere and honest hope is that both Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich stay in the race as long as possible to deny MItt Romney enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination. I do not think either Santorum or Gingrich have much of a better shot against Barack Obama, but I do think they are at least running on bigger ideas than Mitt Romney — ideas that still translate and survive an improving economy.



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Me too. Pretty much sums it up.


Edited to add: I just can't get past the baggage. It's gonna haunt us in the future. Big time.

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It didn't hurt in South Carolina. And which candidate doesn't have baggage? I'm seeing stuff get dragged up on all of them. At this point, I'm just looking for a fighter. Heck, I'd vote for Bill Clinton if he switched parties. At least he's willing to doing something more robust than play pin cushion.

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My platform: Death. To expunge. The annihilation of all life on Earth. Some say I am naive and doomed to failure, since bacteria, certain ocean creatures, and some insects will surely survive my planet-wracking onslaught. I concede that my critics may technically have a point.


But the truth is, I've always been a 'half-a-loaf-of-bread-is-better-than-none' kind of guy."


SMOD: An End To Politics As Usual. Forever.



This Candidate Has Been Endorsed By The Sierra Club™



This is an option...not my first I must admit, but still something to keep in mind.

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Does anyone know anyone who really likes Romney? Well except for Hugh Hewitt.


Actually I know quite a few people who really like Romney. I would say, probably eight or nine. And these are people I know well.

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Does anyone know anyone who really likes Romney? Well except for Hugh Hewitt.


Actually I know quite a few people who really like Romney. I would say, probably eight or nine. And these are people I know well.


He really gets their gitter going? They go out and actively work for his election? Good for them, I don't see it, but then that's me.

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Does anyone know anyone who really likes Romney? Well except for Hugh Hewitt.


Actually I know quite a few people who really like Romney. I would say, probably eight or nine. And these are people I know well.


He really gets their gitter going? They go out and actively work for his election? Good for them, I don't see it, but then that's me.


Yes. He was their favorite last time, and remains so this time. I wouldn't say they actively go out and work (they don't for anyone) but they send money to his campaign and actively support him in conversations.


All of them are over the age of 55 and really like to hear him speak. FWIW. I've asked more questions about why, then argue with them. (Edited to add: They tend to see him as serious, experienced, and stable. Reliable and experienced. Polite and well-mannered. Not self centered. So far, it's all been about disposition and less about positions.)


Most people who are GOPers in my area will not vote for Newt period. There is a real distaste for him here as I described before. And its not his positions, it's him.


Don't know what to tell you other than that's what I know about things here in the great Northwest.

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