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Is Obama's Coalition Re-Emerging


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is-obamas-coalition-reemerging.phpNational Journal:

One striking aspect of the new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday is how closely the internal results of its head-to-head match-up between President Obama and Mitt Romney track Obama's performance against John McCain in 2008. Overall, the poll found Obama leading Romney in a 2012 match up by 51 percent to 45 percent among registered voters. It was the first time the survey had shown Obama (or Romney) crossing the 50 percent threshold against the other in a series of ballot tests since last spring.

Looking below the top-line numbers, the survey found the electorate dividing along lines almost identical to the actual results in 2008, according to figures provided by ABC pollster Gary Langer, the President of Langer Research Associates.



We can hope that the ABC News/Washington Post poll is as accurate and unbiased as its inaccurate and biased news source funders.

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Do you really think Newt or Santorum could do any better? Really?


I bet, if you polled, the ONLY candidate left that could beat Obama is Ron Paul. And he probably has the most energized base of any of these guys, including Obama.


So, what can we do? Seriously? We know where we stand, but what to do about it?

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Do you really think Newt or Santorum could do any better? Really?


I bet, if you polled, the ONLY candidate left that could beat Obama is Ron Paul. And he probably has the most energized base of any of these guys, including Obama.


So, what can we do? Seriously? We know where we stand, but what to do about it?


Currently, I think the last poll showed Santorum as the only candidate beating Obama. And I do think Newt could do better than Romney during the course of a general election. If nothing else, he would maintain interest in the election. That helps turnout, which Republicans need to win national elections.

What can we do? Leave the Republican party. That doesn't mean you have to vote democrat. You can vote for whomever you want on election day. But until the long entrenched Republican establishment realizes that its idea of a perfect candidate is not the same as a majority of the conservative population of the USA, it has no reason to radically change how it works. A guy like Herman Cain should not have to stand in line behind an establishment candidate like Romney. I get hundreds of dollars worth of RNC mailings a year. I stopped giving them money in 2008. When was the last time they cared to ask my opinion? Look at the treatment Tea Party candidates got in 2010. If enough members of the GOP simply roll over time and time again, we will continue to get plastic banana candidates with a great smile and half the inner beltway on their payroll.


Edited to add: Romney couldn't even beat McCain in 2008. McCain lost easily to Obama. Romney hasn't really done much between 2008 and now to make himself a more attractive candidate. How in the world do we somehow think he can beat Obama in 2012. I'd give McCain better odds. Yet, how much time and effort did the RNC put into finding a new candidate. None really. That should be their job. They need to be fired.

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Makes sense to me.


I quit giving money to the RNC after 2008. They are worthless. I feel like my time and money is best spent on directly on candidates I support and they are more likely to be local and people I know personally.


I am pro-life, so instead of giving my money to a pro-life political supporters, I give the money to people who work locally with women who are looking for alternatives to abortion. I believe that money saves more lives every year than the millions frittered away on supporting candidates that talk a good game. That's just a single example.


Just like my taxes, I want my contributions to stay closer to home because they are more effective here. Even as Republicans, we have begun to focus far too much on national elections which naturally have way less impact than local ones. We have to focus on winning the REAL battles, not the symbolic wars.


I'm not going to lose much sleep over this election. I will vote against Obama with every possible amount of energy I can muster. But my focus is, and will remain, making MY community a better place and moving it towards better candidates, better leadership and a healthier economy. Our only hope is to directly impact those around us so that in the future, we have a deeper, better prepared bench.


You may be right about Newt. I may wrong about Mitt. But raging against the machine isn't going to change it. We are in a spot. I'm glad that in the end...it's not particularly up to me anyway.

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Given this is Feb. 6 2012 any polls about who matches up better against "The One" are not any better than reading chicken entrails. With the downside of not getting a chicken dinner out of the deal.




Is Obama's Coalition Re-Emerging


They ever went away?

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I'm not going to lose much sleep over this election.


Todays Ray Of Hope. Even if "The One" get's reelected I offer the history of second terms, as a ray of hope. You really ahve to go back to FDR to find anything like a successful one.

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I could live with a very frustrated and disgraced Obama if I have to.


At this point I have a LOT more faith in the average American than I do the government. I'm really hoping that no matter how hard they try...we'll still find a way to be successful around them.


We're really the ones we've been waiting for. ;)

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