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GOP voters belie Gingrich’s claim to conservative mantle


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gop-voters-belie-gingrichs-claim-to-conservative-mWashington Times:

Newt Gingrich says he is the conservative choice in the 2012 presidential race, but five states into the campaign, Mitt Romney has won more self-identified conservative voters, according to an analysis by The Washington Times of entrance and exit polls.

Mr. Romney capped off that showing with a win in Nevada that included support from a majority of self-identified conservatives, a feat neither Mr. Gingrich nor the other two remaining candidates have been able to accomplish.

“He may be more conservative than Romney, but that does not mean that he is winning over more conservative voters,” said Mark Rozell, a political science professor at George Mason University. “The primary voters are not aligning themselves solely on the basis of ideology. They are looking as well to electability, character, leadership ability, among other factors. So being to the right of the front-runner is not enough to convince conservative voters to pick a Gingrich.”

The data out of Nevada added to the mounting evidence that shows Mr. Gingrich is struggling to convince conservative voters that he is more ideologically in sync with them than Mr. Romney and represents the party’s best chance of unseating President Obama in the general election.Scissors-32x32.png

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