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Eight House Republicans Save $1.4 Million From Office Budgets


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207995-eight-house-republicans-save-14-million-from-office-budgetsThe Hill:



A group of House Republican freshmen saved about $1.4 million from their office budgets last year and they want the money funneled to deficit reduction.

The eight freshmen sent a letter to Speaker John Boeher (R-Ohio) on Wednesday asking that the $1.435 million in savings be considered a "gift to reduce the debt held by the public."


"We believe this funding must be used immediately to address the fiscal emergency caused by our ever increasing national debt," they wrote.

"Furthermore, this accumulation is proof that fiscal responsibility is not just something we talk about in press releases but is a personal mission of ours."

The lawmakers said they were surprised to find that the savings don't automatically go to pay down the deficit, and instead go into a "black hole account."

They said, if necessary, they will pursue legislation that would require savings from House accounts to go toward deficit reduction. Scissors-32x32.png

In January 2011, the Republican-controlled House overwhelmingly implemented a 5 percent reduction in office funding that cut $1 million from all House leadership offices, $8.1 million from committee budgets and a total of $26.1 million from members' offices, for a grand total of $35.2 million.Scissors-32x32.png

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