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Wisconsin Releases Recall Petition Names Amid Safety Concerns


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Wisconsin released the names of more than 1 million people who signed a recall petition against Gov. Scott Walker, state officials said, despite safety concerns among petition signers.


"In the interest of full transparency, the board has always planned to release copies of recall petitions to anyone who requested them and to post them online," said Kevin Kennedy, director and general counsel.

"However, we recently heard from a number of people who are concerned about their personal safety if their names and addresses are made public."


The state Government Accountability Board announced its plans Tuesday, citing Wisconsin's Public Records Law and a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision involving the release of referendum petitions in Washington State.

The documents are posted on the board's website as PDFs. :snip:



Let the search for the dead begin.

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Am still waiting to get my email to start verifying. We did a test last weekend by verifying the signatures for one of the state senators that they are trying to recall and it worked great and was done in an amazingly short amount of time. The Walker petition is a much bigger job, but everyone is anxious to have at it.

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