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I'm listening to Bill Bennett, and he just asked a very good question. Why is it bad for Republicans to be rich, and not for Democrats?

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I don't have time to post it but Drudge has an article by Charles Hurt, Washington Times ---WOWSER

"Islamic Firster, president not what he claimed.

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I don't have time to post it but Drudge has an article by Charles Hurt, Washington Times ---WOWSER

"Islamic Firster, president not what he claimed.


HURT: ‘Islamist Firster’ president not what he claimed

Charles Hurt





Despite his background as a liberal street organizer, he campaigned on tax cuts and personal responsibility and preached that the government simply cannot be the answer to every problem. Republicans would have no choice but to go along with an agenda to shrink the tax burden and get the federal government out of our everyday lives.


Instead, Mr. Obama has devoted his administration to raising taxes, adding to the byzantine structure of the federal government, and has created a whole new massive bureaucracy he claims really will cure our every little boo-boo.


As for the rest of the world, Mr. Obama promised to devote himself to healing the grave injustices and halting the atrocities that have afflicted the world since the rise of radical, violent jihadism. With his Muslim roots, Mr. Obama was positioned better than any leader on the global stage to speak with authority to radical Islamists and finally bring about permanent peace.


*Instead, Mr. Obama chose to unilaterally alienate perhaps our most strategically important ally in the world and do all he can to cozy up to the very people who are dedicated to destroying not only Israel, but America as well.


Leading Democrats have been in the news lately sliming Americans who stick up for Israel as being “Israel Firsters.” Well, Mr. Obama has become an “Islamist Firster.”




* Question: Is there a major American Ally that he hasn't dissed?

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I'm listening to Bill Bennett, and he just asked a very good question. Why is it bad for Republicans to be rich, and not for Democrats?

Quite simple answer here @Valin


Rich DEMs think nice thoughts and have good intentions while they run their fingers through their filthy lucre...


While rich REPUBs are thinking of ways to exploit minorities, women, gays, orphans, puppies, kittens, baby ducks and storm victims.

Edited by NCTexan
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Something that occured to me a while ago regarding why so many stars in hollywood are leftest. One word Guilt. Guilt that they have become successful while many people that they knew when they were coming up might have been better actors/directors/writers...etc., than they were. Having made it, they ask "why me?" So they attempt to assuage their guilt by supporting "The People"...while living in a 10,000 sq ft home, flying around in a private jet, of course.

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Something that occured to me a while ago regarding why so many stars in hollywood are leftest. One word Guilt. Guilt that they have become successful while many people that they knew when they were coming up might have been better actors/directors/writers...etc., than they were. Having made it, they ask "why me?" So they attempt to assuage their guilt by supporting "The People"...while living in a 10,000 sq ft home, flying around in a private jet, of course.


Good theory, @Valin.

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Just something that popped into my head a while ago


Have you read Michael Medved's perspectives on this? His cultural background makes him very engaged in this area of thought and he has exactly the same theory. The great minds of people I respect tend to...agree! Go figure. ;)

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Condoleezza Rice to campaign with Dick Lugar in Indianapolis


Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will campaign with Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN) this weekend in Indianapolis, where Rice will be attending Super Bowl festivities.

Lugar is in the midst of a tough primary challenge from Tea Party-affiliated state Treasurer Richard Murdock, who is hoping to outflank the six-term Senate veteran from the right.


Groups like the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, and the Tea Party Express have all aired ads critical of Lugar or donated to Murdock's campaign.

But Lugar is hoping that big-name support from party stalwarts like Rice will help to build a firewall with establishment Republicans.Scissors-32x32.png

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Condoleezza Rice to campaign with Dick Lugar in Indianapolis


Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will campaign with Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN) this weekend in Indianapolis, where Rice will be attending Super Bowl festivities.

Lugar is in the midst of a tough primary challenge from Tea Party-affiliated state Treasurer Richard Murdock, who is hoping to outflank the six-term Senate veteran from the right.


Groups like the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, and the Tea Party Express have all aired ads critical of Lugar or donated to Murdock's campaign.

But Lugar is hoping that big-name support from party stalwarts like Rice will help to build a firewall with establishment Republicans.Scissors-32x32.png


I am such a Condi groupie. It may be because she took the time to write to my son when he was in 5th grade...but man do I love her. :)

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Yeah me too. I hate to say this though...endorsements do nothing for me. I always figure they are just political favors and polite payback.

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I'm not sure anymore. Everything is saying April 3rd. Many of the filing deadlines based on the San Antonio lawsuit for redistricting have deadlines of today, tomorrow and in a week or so.





The 2012 General Primary Election shall be held on April 3, 2012. All deadlines and dates specified as changed in this Order, or in previously issued orders in this

action shall be observed as provided for in the Texas Election Code.Scissors-32x32.png

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WorldNetDaily’s Farah: Rubio ineligible for VP slot, not a ‘natural-born citizen’ [VIDEO]

HANNITY: I think that’s taken. It’s got to be Rubio. That’s my guess.

BOB BECKEL: If it’s not, somebody’s lost their mind.

FARAH: Rubio is not eligible.

HANNITY: Whoa, what do you mean, ‘Rubio’s not – FARAH: He’ll lose 10 percent of the Republican vote because he is not a natural-born citizen. We’ve been through this with Obama now for four years. HANNITY: I don’t believe that. I don’t think that’s going to work.


Say Wha????wacko.png

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