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Will Occupiers Get Their Violent Chicago Riot?


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will-the-occupiers-get-their-violent-chicago-riotFront Page Magazine:

The anti-American activists of the Occupy Wall Street movement announced they plan to violently disrupt the G8/NATO summit in Chicago on May 19.


Adbusters, the Noam Chomsky-friendly magazine that spearheaded the Occupy movement, claims the movement will conduct a massive occupation of Chicago “in the tradition of the Chicago 8.”

Of course the radicals of the Chicago 8 organized riots at the Democratic Party’s national convention in that city in 1968. Hundreds of police officers were injured.


Adbusters vows that this time the rioters won’t give an inch to the police. A massive occupation of Chicago involving “50,000 people from all over the world” will begin on May 1:


And this time around we’re not going to put up with the kind of police repression that happened during the Democratic National Convention protests in Chicago, 1968 … nor will we abide by any phony restrictions the City of Chicago may want to impose on our first amendment rights. We’ll go there with our heads held high and assemble for a month-long people’s summit … we’ll march and chant and sing and shout and exercise our right to tell our elected representatives what we want … the constitution will be our guide. [ellipses in original]


When the nations of the G8 and NATO begin meeting May 19, the movement plans to press its demands. Occupiers want an economy-killing “Robin Hood Tax” to be imposed on financial transactions, an international agreement to curb carbon emissions, and “a nuclear-free Middle East” (translation: the unilateral nuclear disarmament of Israel), according to Adbusters.Scissors-32x32.png

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Another scenario...These people show up at a GOP rally, the wrong time the wrong place, act the wrong way....and things could get very very violent.


I was at a "Support The Troops" rally some time ago, and these sort of people were there doing everything in their power to provoke a fight with us.


One of these times they will get what they want. I'm not saying this is good and they need their collectives asses kicked, but something could very well happen this general election season.

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the occupiers are dumb enough to really be planning to do something bad. I know a little gal that has spent the last 18 yrs protesting everyting under the sun, brags about big protest in Seattle several years ago, ended up in jail for a few days, also has been jailed in Poland and somewhere in South America. Said she and others are already planning to join the occupiers in Chicago, plans are for this to be really big. Since she rarely has a job I asked her how she can afford to travel; to all these places to protest, she doens't have job half the time, she refused to answer, Someone somewhere has to be helping these idiots out with money.

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I'm thinking more in terms of these glitter bombing and mic check kind of protests. One of these times thay are going to do this at the wrong rally...and it will be bad.

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I'm thinking more in terms of these glitter bombing and mic check kind of protests. One of these times thay are going to do this at the wrong rally...and it will be bad.


I remember the Chicago riots during the Demo convention. Media seem to have sided with the rioters and said the police were rioting for defending themselves. Ahhh, the pre-internet days, MSM got away with so much bs.

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I see the difference as being this:


1968 Convention-Outside radicals want to change the status quo.......and "change the world for the better."


2012 G-8/NATO-Inside paid radicals [soros funded] want to keep the status quo......and complete the "change."

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As I've said these clowns are going to glitter bomb or Mic Check the wrong rally....and it's going to get real nasty real fast, and people are going to get hurt. Because fuses are getting short when it comes to SEIU, ACORN, OWS, types.



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