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Kelly and accuser exchanged 'sexy' messages before, after date



Last Updated: 6:30 AM, January 29, 2012

Posted: 12:31 AM, January 29, 2012





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It was just a chance encounter on a downtown street — but she was instantly enamored.

“I’ve seen you on TV. You’re so cute,” said the woman who would later accuse Greg Kelly of rape, according to a law-enforcement source.

The brunette crossed paths with the handsome “Good Day New York” host two days before the alleged attack.

“She stopped him,” the source said. “She told him she was star-struck.”


What followed was about 48 hours of marathon sexting ahead of their Saturday-night date at the South Street Seaport.


Read more: http://www.nypost.co...K#ixzz1kqakDLBr

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Here is a link to the story in yesterday's NY POST:

Brother of woman who claims Kelly assaulted her in NYPD



The accuser — whose identity is being withheld by The Post — shook her head and walked away when asked about the case, including whether she was happy with how it has been handled by the Manhattan district attorney.



GREG KELLY Shows DA text messages.




Investigators for DA Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office, including the head of the sex-crimes unit, spent all day Thursday grilling the woman about her story, and believe that she is not credible and that the sex was consensual, sources said.

And there are no witnesses to back up her claims.

“It looks like they’re going to just kick it around until it’s absolutely dead . . . It’s ‘he said, she said,’ ” a source said.

“Everybody [the woman and Kelly] was a happy camper until the boyfriend found out.”

The woman told police that Kelly got her pregnant and that she had an abortion.

Investigators aren’t doubting that story.

They believe her boyfriend grew suspicious because she refused to have sex with him. She finally confessed that she couldn’t sleep with him because she had undergone an abortion.

Angered, the boyfriend confronted Ray Kelly at a public event.

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Here is a link to the story in yesterday's NY POST:

Brother of woman who claims Kelly assaulted her in NYPD





The accuser — whose identity is being withheld by The Post — shook her head and walked away when asked about the case, including whether she was happy with how it has been handled by the Manhattan district attorney.



GREG KELLY Shows DA text messages.




Investigators for DA Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office, including the head of the sex-crimes unit, spent all day Thursday grilling the woman about her story, and believe that she is not credible and that the sex was consensual, sources said.

And there are no witnesses to back up her claims.

“It looks like they’re going to just kick it around until it’s absolutely dead . . . It’s ‘he said, she said,’ ” a source said.

“Everybody [the woman and Kelly] was a happy camper until the boyfriend found out.”

The woman told police that Kelly got her pregnant and that she had an abortion.

Investigators aren’t doubting that story.

They believe her boyfriend grew suspicious because she refused to have sex with him. She finally confessed that she couldn’t sleep with him because she had undergone an abortion.

Angered, the boyfriend confronted Ray Kelly at a public event.






This is going to get REAL ugly.

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Here is a link to the story in yesterday's NY POST:

Brother of woman who claims Kelly assaulted her in NYPD





The accuser — whose identity is being withheld by The Post — shook her head and walked away when asked about the case, including whether she was happy with how it has been handled by the Manhattan district attorney.



GREG KELLY Shows DA text messages.




Investigators for DA Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office, including the head of the sex-crimes unit, spent all day Thursday grilling the woman about her story, and believe that she is not credible and that the sex was consensual, sources said.

And there are no witnesses to back up her claims.

“It looks like they’re going to just kick it around until it’s absolutely dead . . . It’s ‘he said, she said,’ ” a source said.

“Everybody [the woman and Kelly] was a happy camper until the boyfriend found out.”

The woman told police that Kelly got her pregnant and that she had an abortion.

Investigators aren’t doubting that story.

They believe her boyfriend grew suspicious because she refused to have sex with him. She finally confessed that she couldn’t sleep with him because she had undergone an abortion.

Angered, the boyfriend confronted Ray Kelly at a public event.






This is going to get REAL ugly.

It sounds like the young woman is intimidated by the boyfriend.

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“Everybody [the woman and Kelly] was a happy camper until the boyfriend found out.”

The woman told police that Kelly got her pregnant and that she had an abortion.

Investigators aren’t doubting that story.

They believe her boyfriend grew suspicious because she refused to have sex with him. She finally confessed that she couldn’t sleep with him because she had undergone an abortion.



There is a warning in this tale...be careful who you have a relationship with.

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Iowa Democratic operative charged with stealing GOP official's identity pleads not guilty



DES MOINES, Iowa — A Democratic operative charged with stealing the identity of Iowa's Republican secretary of state as part of a plot to link him to corruption has pleaded not guilty.


Online court records show Zachary Edwards entered the written plea Friday and waived his preliminary hearing, which had been scheduled Monday.


Edwards was arrested last week and charged with identity theft. A complaint says he fraudulently used or attempted to use the identity of Secretary of State Matt Schultz and/or that of his brother during a scheme to falsely implicate Schultz in illegal or unethical behavior in office.




Mother Jones says nothing to see here...move along

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@Valin, I feel sorry for all three of them, but you are absolutely right.


I'm gonna go waaaay out on a limb and make a bold prediction, so prepare yourself




The NY Press will have a field day with this. I understand that I'm pushing the envelope with this, but that's me, bold and reckless.

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@Valin, I feel sorry for all three of them, but you are absolutely right.


I'm gonna go waaaay out on a limb and make a bold prediction, so prepare yourself




The NY Press will have a field day with this. I understand that I'm pushing the envelope with this, but that's me, bold and reckless.


That's what I like about you, @Valin! :D


I still feel sorry for all three.


Greg Kelly, because he is getting blamed for ruining someone else's relationship.


The boyfriend, because the girlfriend blamed Greg Kelly.


The girlfriend, because she could not be honest with herself, her boyfriend or Greg Kelly and had an abortion, which is more traumatic than the liberals would want to believe, in order to be able to cover for herself and "keep things as they were".


All three are hurt, and the girlfriend's fear of telling the truth is making it worse.

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On Fox News Sunday, It's Paul Ryan's birthday and Chris Wallace surprised him with a birthday cake with a green dollar sign on it. Both were gracious about it, but Paul Ryan said that he doesn't eat sweets anymore but he cut cake anyway and offered some to Chris Wallace. Chris laughed and said that he'd enjoyed his company up until now.


They both laughed.


Chris also asked, "What won't we do for a photo op?"

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“What are the vegetarian and vegan store business owners to do?”



January 29, 2012 | Filed under Religious Liberty | Posted by Rick Rice

The Obama administration is now assaulting those whose conscience abhors all things beef:

Shock! Utter shock!!! The Obama Administration has mandated that all food stores in the United States selling refrigerated goods, MUST sell beef!


There is an exemption for vegetarians who only employ, and sell their goods to, vegetarians; and, for vegans who only employ, and sell their goods to, vegans.


What are the vegetarian and vegan store business owners to do?


How long will it take for these businesses to go bankrupt if the owners refuse to violate their conscience by carrying beef in their stores? How many people from the area, meat eaters included, frequent and buy some of the excellent products sold at vegetarian/vegan owned shops? Are people forced to shop and work at these places, or is it a choice?


If the food shop owner happens to be a Jain, then this mandate would not only be expecting him to violate his conscience, but also would be an assault on his religious liberty.


Get it? Get it?

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Think back a week to this:



Dolan: “Let down, disappointed and disturbed” over Obama HHS ruling


Jan 25th, 2012 by Deacon Greg Kandra

He made the remarks last night:

On the even of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Archbishop Timothy Dolan ripped President Obama for birth control policies he contends run counter to Catholic teachings.

ArchbishopDolan232442.095-300x300.jpgSoon-to-be elevated to cardinal by Pope Benedict, Dolan said Wednesday night that the White House was wrong to require the Catholic Church to provide employees with health insurance that includes contraception coverage.


Dolan said Obama called Friday morning to say he has no plans to change the policy, which is part of the President’s national health care reform.


“You bet we got a disagreement,” Dolan said following a lecture at Fordham University Law School at Lincoln Center.

“It’s not about contraception. It’s about the right of conscience,” he told reporters.

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Posted on January 28, 2012 by Scott Johnson in Obama administration, Taxes

Warren Buffett: Shut up, he explained


Scissors-32x32.pngWe tried to back into an estimate of the income of Warren Buffett’s secretary, Debbie Bosanek, in “Analyze this.” Ms. Bosanek was one of the stars of President Obanma’s State of the Union address. Buffett and Obama portray her as the victim of an unfair tax code.




The pseudonymous Jim Treacher expertly translates: “No fair asking why we should take his word for any of this. No fair asking why, if he’s so worried about not paying enough taxes, he doesn’t pay the $1 billion — that’s $1,000,000,000 — he already owes. No fair. No fair. Shut up.” Citing Politico, Treacher adds that the White House isn’t much interested in exploring details either. Politico explains that “for the moment, the White House wants to keep the attention focused on Obama’s argument that it’s unfair to tax Buffett’s secretary at a higher rate than her boss.” My translation: The White House wants to keep the propaganda undiluted.

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I'm just going to go ahead and go on record and say that someone who pronounces "asked" as "axed" is stupid. If you can read English, explain how you can read the word a-s-k-e-d and come up with a-x-e-d without being stupid. I know there are some pretty lousy schools in this country, but I'll bet none of them teach phonics in such a way that you would learn to read "sk" as "ks" or "x". So how is it, that an adult radio broadcaster can't pronounce the word like its spelled. Unless, of course, he actually wants to sound like someone with a very poor education. In which case, he certainly is stupid.

Sorry, I only lasted 15 seconds into the video posted at that link and had to stop listening because the man talking was sucking vital brain cells right out of my head. That kind of mindset is all over Memphis. A few years ago, they elected an illiterate man as their school district supervisor, over a much more highly educated and qualified woman. Guess the skin color of each person. Also guess the impact on school quality within the city of Memphis.

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Deacon's Bench



My Catholic school: at the center of it all was Jesus


Jan 29th, 2012 by Deacon Greg Kandra




My parish is celebrating its centenary this year. As part of the festivities, this weekend we had a special Mass at 1 p.m. honoring the school and its alumnae. Two of those alumnae, Msgr. John McGuirl and Msgr. Ned Ryan, concelebrated. Below is the homily I delivered for that event. It’s a little rough; I didn’t know I would be doing it until Saturday night, and it was composed with a lot of coffee and very little sleep. (I was up early to preach at the 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, too…). But with Catholic Schools Week beginning, it seems timely.


A lot of people don’t know this, but when I was in formation, studying to become a deacon, Msgr. Ned Ryan was my spiritual director. I used to meet with him every six or eight weeks to talk about the state of my soul. Inevitably, of course, that became boring. Our conversations would often conclude with him sharing his nostalgic memories of growing up in Forest Hills and attending Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School in the 1950s.


It was a time we remember as the “brick and mortar” era of the American church, when schools were being built and parishes being planned. Parishes were teeming with nuns and priests. Every child knew the Baltimore Catechism, and at least some Latin, and no girl would dare to darken the door of a church without a chapel veil attached to her hair with a bobby pin.


In the middle of that, there were hundreds and hundreds of schools like Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, spread out across the country. The parochial school system was legendary. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it helped make America what it is. It certainly had an impact here in Queens. Our school produced not only the two monsignors sitting here this afternoon, but also Ray Romano, David Caruso, and Captain Kangaroo. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School singlehandedly helped program CBS Television.

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Can anyone think that this just one more attempt by the ultra radical straight supremacists religious right to turn this nation into the theocracy and force all women back into the slavery from which they have only just emerged? What makes this worse is this was written by a (ick obviously misogynist Papist and we all know who he answers to. Now there is no absolute proof that Benedict XVI is a Nazi, he is German, and of a certain generation. It's also well known that the Vatican is virulently antisemitic, and run by the Illuminati/Free Masons/Bilderbergers/lizardmen used by the giant Jewish (socialist) New World Order, to drain of us of our precious bodily fluids.


Now the unenlightened may be fooled, but those of us who have studied this are not fooled for one moment!

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Sorry, I only lasted 15 seconds into the video posted at that link and had to stop listening because the man talking was sucking vital brain cells right out of my head. That kind of mindset is all over Memphis. A few years ago, they elected an illiterate man as their school district supervisor, over a much more highly educated and qualified woman. Guess the skin color of each person. Also guess the impact on school quality within the city of Memphis.


Black Conservatives have to put up with this kind of crap...everyday.


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