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What Are The Near And Long Term Advantages Of A Permanent Moon Base


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Brian Wang



What are the advantages of a moon base ? It is a new beachhead for the initiation of space industrialization.


You can develop the billions of gallons of water that are on the moon and provide fuel for orbital and other space operations. (military and other wise). The fuel would be cheaper because it would be 36 times cheaper to bring it up from a gravity well that is one sixth the strength.




There is uranium and thorium on the moon. Those resources could be extracted and it could be cheaper and circumvents political roadblocks to getting project Orion started in the solar system. Build the project Orion systems on the moon. The fact that it cost more to lunar uranium than it would have for earth uranium avoids the fact that the Earth is filled with people who do not understand that external pulse propulsion can be made safe. Presumably the moon would have mainly very good engineers and science and math literate people. People who are willing to do bold things would be self selecting.






Now the downside


Mining the moon isn't as easy as it sounds



It's hard


"The crisis we are facing today does not require of us the kind of sacrifice that Martin Treptow and so many thousands of others were called upon to make. It does require, however, our best effort and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds, to believe that together with God's help we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. And after all, why shouldn't we believe that? We are Americans."

Ronald Reagan (20 January 1981)


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One of the greatest aspects of going to the Moon in the first place was not what we learned on the Moon, but the technological advances that came about as we worked to get there. Things as simple as velcro. RIght now, the strongest motivator we have for making technological leaps is military development. We might be better off with something a little more civilized like building an outer space colony.

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It was quite eye opening though, to see the some of the "technology" in the first capsules when I was at the Smithsonian awhile back. Big metal toggle switches, canvas material for seating and such. I'm sure you use the safest, proven technology, but it sure looked primitive.



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PJ Media: New Space Policy Questions and Advice for Mitt

Rand Simberg



Interestingly, space policy has been much more discussed in this primary campaign than any other in recent history, largely because it is a topic about which one of the candidates, Newt Gingrich, is unusually enthusiastic and conversant. With the focus on Tuesday’s primary in Florida, a swing state in which space is an important issue to many on the Space Coast, it seems to have reached a peak in the last few days, though after Tuesday’s vote it is likely to recede into the background, with few remaining debates ahead, and none focusing on a space state.


On Wednesday, Gingrich gave an aspirational speech in Cocoa Beach laying out his vision for America in space, of a ten-billion-dollar prize for the first human on Mars, a lunar base by the end of his second term, and eventually a settlement of several thousand that might become a new U. S. state. As I noted here on Friday, this isn’t as crazy as it sounds to many, and Ken Chang at the New York Times wrote a similar story with the theme on Saturday that the primary barrier was politics, not technology or cost.


Nonetheless, Mitt Romney chose to ridicule it, continuing to come off (as he did in December) as a soulless, visionless technocrat. The last time he did this, I had some serious space policy questions for his campaign, to which he has (unsurprisingly) never responded:


In 2008, you said that you supported President Bush’s Vision for Space Exploration, a fundamental part of which was a manned lunar base. Now you criticize Newt Gingrich for the same thing, and imply that it is a frivolity. What happened in the interim to make you change your opinion?


…What would a Romney space policy look like? Given that you’ve elevated the topic in the campaign, I think that those of us to whom space is important deserve to know.


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In all seriousness, if Newt is still looking for his own "tank moment" (remember Dukakis?), he's getting closer. I don't care what he meant, the headline about this comment made him sound like a loon.


I'm not happy with a lot of Romney's positions, but under no circumstances will I support a conservative (when convenient) amoral narcissist who eagerly sells his principles to the highest bidder.


Someone who had met both men told me in 1996 that Newt and Slick were like "two peas in a pod." I chose not to believe it then, but know it to be true now.


OK, so Newt's not a rapist. But he is a thoroughly unreliable and unlikeable fellow. I'm not sure if Mitt can beat Obama but I sue as heck know that Newton can't...

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I'm not sure if Mitt can beat Obama but I sue as heck know that Newton can't...


Romney couldn't even beat McCain, and people really didn't like McCain that much in 2008. Mitt has a solid tradition of losing political elections and I'm confident he'll remain consistent in 2012. With that said, if neither Mitt nor Newt can beat Obama, I would much prefer that Mitt be the general election loser. He is obviously the candidate of choice of the weak kneed republican losers in Washington who have spent the last couple decades putting their own personal gain above country or conservative principle. Maybe, just maybe...enough republican voters will finally realize that they will never have a respectable candidate worth voting for until the inside the beltway cabal of politicians and pundits is put out to pasture.

Mitt is still behind Gingrich in the RCP national poll composite. Despite outspending his opponents by 10 to 1, Mitt still hasn't generated any real enthusiasm for his candidacy. I will predict right now that if he is the Republican nominee, Republican turnout in 2012 will be even lower than it was in 2008 and that we will lose the House and seats in the Senate.

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In all seriousness, if Newt is still looking for his own "tank moment" (remember Dukakis?), he's getting closer. I don't care what he meant, the headline about this comment made him sound like a loon.


Is it? Or is it Newt expressing forward looking ideas? I would also note the one thing he is not talking about is having today's NASA do this. Assuming (always a mistake) Gingrich becomes President, if I were a NASA bureaucrat, I'd be concerned, I'd be polishing up my resume.


I'm not happy with a lot of Romney's positions, but under no circumstances will I support a conservative (when convenient) amoral narcissist who eagerly sells his principles to the highest bidder.


So in other words you discount any politician, because if you're looking for someone simion pure, you're going to be looking a long time.


Someone who had met both men told me in 1996 that Newt and Slick were like "two peas in a pod." I chose not to believe it then, but know it to be true now.


OK, so Newt's not a rapist. But he is a thoroughly unreliable and unlikeable fellow. I'm not sure if Mitt can beat Obama but I sue as heck know that Newton can't...


Often (not always but often) leaders are not nice people, examples provided on request.


Why I support Gingrich, "Newt Gingrich 2+2=4" Ideas, the guy has real actual Ideas. Not talking points like a certain other candidate.


Why I don't support Romney

A. He's very good at negative, not very good at positives on what he would do. (yes we all love America...big deal)

B. One word Romneycare.

C. While if he is the GOP nominee I will vote for him. I will run to the polling station with a smile on my lips and gladly pull the lever for him....but I suspect we are seeing the latest Bob Dole, John McCain clone, given to us by the PTB.

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Professor @Valin's Popquiz:


What are the advantages of a moon base ?


A place to send Obama comes immediately to mind


Any number of options open to us.


Pitcairn island is a low priced option.

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Let's split the difference and offer the Pitcairn gals and lads a few dollars for Oeno Island then, @Valin.


I'm more than willing to compromise. You know me...Mr. Moderate.

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Mr. Moderate ...you are an affable chap. Seeing as how there are no conservatives running in the lead, does that mean you are voting for a cross between Romney and Santorum?


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Mr. Moderate ...you are an affable chap. Seeing as how there are no conservatives running in the lead, does that mean you are voting for a cross between Romney and Santorum?



No Conservatives running...That just drives me NUTS!!!! I could go off on a 3 hour rant about this.

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