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Trying to Beat Someone With No One


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?singlepage=truePJ Media: Andrew Klavan



I usually like to include as many cultural reviews as possible on this blog. I think people who think about politics tend to think about politics too much. It’s not good for you. It makes you crazy. You get inflated with a sense of your own rightness and righteousness, start accusing your opponents of being evil… I know: it’s fun. And it feels good. But it really is unhealthy. You’re not that great. They’re not quite as bad as all that. Trust me on this. As one of our priests said in church last week, “God loves you — and all the people you can’t stand.” Amen.


Unfortunately, that said, I don’t have much to report on the cultural front this week for various reasons. I’ll try to write my Monday column about the Oscar nominations. Which leaves only politics for now … and politics this week has been just plain depressing.




Really, are people like Obama, Romney, and Gingrich the best leaders this country can produce? And if so, are we — and our founders and the basic tenets of our free form of government — getting exactly the screwing we deserve? How hard is it to pitch individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom — stuff that not only works but is morally right? Where are the better spokesmen for our age-old ideals?



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