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Romney steady, Gingrich flat in GOP debate


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343241Washington Examiner:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney launched his most aggressive debate performance to date Thursday, landing blows against rival Newt Gingrich on immigration and Freddie Mac while ridiculing Gingrich's proposal to colonize the moon.



Most of the attention in the candidates' 19th debate focused on the front-runners Romney and Gingrich. But just days before the Florida primary, former Sen. Rick Santorum tore into Romney over health care reforms Romney instituted as governor of Massachusetts in Santorum's attempt to reassert himself as the conservative alternative to Romney.


Romney was unable to escape the blows landed on him by Santorum, who zeroed in on the parallels between the Massachusetts health care law, which requires residents to buy health insurance, and the national health reform bill written by President Obama that is modeled after Romney's plan and which all four candidates have pledged to repeal if elected.



"Folks, we can't give this issue away in this election," Santorum said "It is about fundamental freedom. Whether the United States government or even a state government" can mandate health care.

Romney was clearly flustered and made a particularly bad blunder by telling Santorum the health care issue was not worth getting angry about.



Santorum had a particularly good debate performance but he is trailing far behind Gingrich and Romney, who are running nearly tied in the polls. Rep. Ron Paul participated in the debate but is not competing in Florida.


Before Santorum ripped into him, Romney was dominating the CNN debate, swatting away attacks by Gingrich about Romney's recently disclosed tax returns, which revealed his considerable wealth and a closed Swiss bank account. Romney effectively turned the spotlight on Gingrich's $1.6 million contract with Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored enterprise that contributed to the housing bubble and its eventual collapse.Scissors-32x32.png

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