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Heads Up, America: Time to Take Back Our Kids


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heads_up_america_time_to_take_back_our_kids.htmlAmerican Thinker:

I watched an extremely disturbing TV program about two boys in high school who killed a girl solely for the experience. Both boys, having aspirations of becoming movie producers, documented their murder adventure on video. Their video included a playful interview with their unsuspecting victim at her school locker. The obviously bright and beautiful girl looked into the camera, laughing while answering the boys' silly questions. Later that evening, the boys bludgeoned and stabbed her to death. One of the two boys commented, "Making murder illegal makes people want to do it."

I realize that this case is an extreme incident.


Another TV program featured a police sting operation. A car was parked unlocked, with the key in the ignition, to attract car thieves. A well-organized gang of five kids ranging in ages from 13 to 15, without hesitation, stole the car. All five kids cussed like sailors and wore their pants below their butts.

Again, I realize that this incident of a gang of middle- and junior high school kids stealing a car is anecdotal.


However, unquestionably, many youths today are callous towards the sanctity of life and are void of a moral compass regarding right and wrong.


Something that has bugged me for years is the way '60s-generation movie and TV producers think it is "far out" (cool) for kids to speak disrespectfully to their parents. Call me old-fashioned, but I flip the channel whenever I see a kid smart-mouthing his parent and getting away with it. I simply cannot stomach it.


This '60s-generation liberal mindset of parents being buddies with their children, relating to them as equals, affording them a right to privacy, and other nonsense is a part of the problem.


There is great value and compassion in teaching children to respect their elders. Children who grow up never having learned to respect anyone have difficulty in personal relationships and in maintaining a job.

The last TV show I saw in which a child respected his parent was The Andy Griffith Show. Opie always said "yes sir" and "no sir" to his dad.Scissors-32x32.png

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It is good. There is a bit of Darwinism in play with kids raised by poor parents. They tend not to succeed. It's sad, but having dealt with thousands of young college kids in the last few years, the common denominator among kids who failed for discipline problems was poor parents. Either parents who weren't there while they grew up, or parents who were too much there while they grew up.

If you've ever watched the show "Bait Car", it takes minutes for the police sting bait car to get stolen usually. Hard to believe. The combination of an entitlement mentality and a complete lack of self-respect is bred into some kids at a very early age.

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How many latch-key kids come home to.... nothing? No parents. No rules. No discipline. No positive role models. No instruction on right vs. wrong, moral vs. immoral, decent vs. indecent.


And when the 1 or 2 parents are home? "Here's $20.... go to the mall and leave me alone."

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@RandyM, @Rokke, @Rheo, @Geee


Let's be honest, here. This society has been going to hell at least since the Great Society if not earlier.


Hollywood, cable and satellite tv, moral relativism, the Internet, and some spineless Presidents have just accelerated the process.






and a spineless Presidents




and some spineless Presidents

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@RandyM, @Rokke, @Rheo, @Geee


Let's be honest, here. This society has been going to hell at least since the Great Society if not earlier.


Hollywood, cable and satellite tv, moral relativism, the Internet, and a spineless Presidents have just accelerated the process.


I'm reading Band of Brothers. There was a short segment describing the backgrounds of the average G.I.. Many were deeply and directly impacted by the Great Depression and learned not to expect things to be easy. I wonder if that is what it will take to turn our society around again. That might be the only silver lining if Obama is re-elected.

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I expect some young people today don't expect a thing; some expect things to be handed to them; and some will go out and fight for it; and will some just steal it.


Our society might turn around, provided the ship of state under the Left and Captain Obama does not continue to founder and pull a Costa Concordia. But that might be the calamity and thus a cure.

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