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Newt Gingrich bad-mouths Ronald Reagan in 1988





Video Of Newt Bashing Reagan Is Bogus


There's a short excerpt of a 1988 C-SPAN video purportedly showing Newt Gingrich bashing Reagan when talking about how Bush, Sr. should run. As I suspected, it's edited to give a false impression. What you don't see is immediately after when Gingrich praises Reaganism and the Reagan platform. If you can't watch it all, it begins at about 2:30 in to confirm it's the same segment. It's the minute or two afterward you also need to hear to understand that Newt wasn't bashing Reagan at all.


He was merely saying, Bush isn't Reagan and the GOP needs something new to sell. He even points out the Reagan landslide, saying Reagan's platform won 48, or whatever states and was inclusive



H/T Legal Insurrenction




Double post. I deleted mine

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Audio Exclusive: In 1996 Phone Call, Gingrich Sought To Ease Out Wisconsin Challenger


House Speaker Newt Gingrich was at the peak of his power when, in the spring of 1996, he placed this call to a former Wisconsin State Senator, Jim Harsdorf.

Harsdorf knew what was coming – but he was still surprised the Speaker was taking such an interest. He was running for Congress in the district then represented by Rep. Steve Gunderson, who had announced plans to retire during his 1994 campaign. But with Republicans in the majority, Gunderson was reconsidering. Gingrich was calling to push Harsdorf out.Scissors-32x32.png


There were ordinary reasons for Gingrich to be interested in Gunderson’s career: The two had served in leadership roles together before Gingrich became speaker.

But there was also a reason that wasn’t then public: Gingrich was carrying on an affair with a Gunderson aide, Callista Bisek, whose job could have depended on Gunderson’s remaining in the House.

Gingrich spokesman RC Hammond declined to comment on the situation, other than to raise questions about whether the recording was legal. (Recording with one-party consent is legal in Wisconsin.)Scissors-32x32.png

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Bob Dole attacks Newt


Well if Bob Dole doesn't like him...that's it! rolleyes.gif

Newt Camp On Dole Freakout: ‘Very Weird’



Newt Gingrich’s campaign staff are scratching their heads over the strongly-worded missive sent Gingrich’s way by Romney backer and ultimate Republican establishment figure Bob Dole Thursday.

“It’s got to be on the top 10 list of the weirdest things he’s ever written,” Gingrich spokesperson RC Hammond told TPM at a campaign event in Jacksonville, FL. Scissors-32x32.png

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Bob Dole attacks Newt


Well if Bob Dole doesn't like him...that's it! rolleyes.gif

Newt Camp On Dole Freakout: ‘Very Weird’



Newt Gingrich’s campaign staff are scratching their heads over the strongly-worded missive sent Gingrich’s way by Romney backer and ultimate Republican establishment figure Bob Dole Thursday.

“It’s got to be on the top 10 list of the weirdest things he’s ever written,” Gingrich spokesperson RC Hammond told TPM at a campaign event in Jacksonville, FL. Scissors-32x32.png


Now you know my opinion of endorsements yawn.gif but I have to say this one may have an impact with the conservative base, and no that's not a good thing if you're Mitt Romney. Maybe he should try for the all important Arlen Specter endorsement! laugh.png

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Pelosi: I've got nothing on Newt


"I have said over and over again, as far as Speaker Gingrich is concerned, I refer you to the public record," Pelosi said at a press conference amid the Democrats' annual issues conference near the Chesapeake Bay. "It's a matter of public record." Scissors-32x32.png

"One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi said in a December interview with Talking Points Memo. "I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff." Scissors-32x32.png

"There is something I know," she said. "The Republicans, if they choose to nominate him that's their prerogative. I don't even think that's going to happen."

Pelosi on Thursday said the "something" was her prediction that Gingrich won't win the White House.

"Why do know he'll never be the president? Just an instinct I have," she said.

Asked what publicly available information on Gingrich is scandalous enough to sink his presidential run, Pelosi passed.

"You'll just have to read the public record," she said. "I'm not here to give a road map to the public record."

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Bob Dole attacks Newt


Well if Bob Dole doesn't like him...that's it! rolleyes.gif


That's it. I'm done with Newt and heartily endorsing Bob Dole. It was so much fun to vote for him against the very unpopular Bill Clinton. Nevermind that he got his butt kicked by a President who was making the White House look like the Playboy mansion, and who wagged his finger at America as he perjured himself in court. I mean, after all, the GOP establishment told us over and over that only Bob Dole could win the White House and bring respectability back to the office. Heck, he didn't even need to campaign because Americans hated Clinton so much. So he didn't. The GOP selected a potted plant, who was very good at taking their advice, had no new ideas, no fire, and was acceptable to the media. Like McCain after him, the most energy in his campaign came from his VP. Yes, he is/was a good man and a nice guy. A war hero. Strong virtues. But everytime you watched him, you wished he showed some willingness to fight for something. Anything.

Now the GOP establishment, including Presidential election losers McCain and Dole want us to vote for Romney. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times and I'm an absolute idiot. I am now going to vote for the primary candidate the establishment hates the most. If Newt drops out, I'd even be willing to vote for Paul. Until we get rid of the entitled GOP royalty, our party is neutered and irrelevent. When will the Tea Party become its own party? I'm ready to sign up.

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@Geee! What a melodious moniker you have!



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Tea party vs. cocktail party in Fla.


By: Jonathan Martin

January 26, 2012


04:41 AM EST TAMPA, Fla. — As the Republican race moves to a state defined by the extremes in recession-era America — where the underwater and unemployed live just a few miles from the 1 percent — a sharp class divide is emerging between the two top contenders.

Mitt Romney’s crowds look like something out of the president’s suite at a University of Florida football game — prosperous, trim, Tattersall-clad, and supportive but not rowdy.

Newt Gingrich supporters, with their spray-painted signs, American flag tees, flip-flops and fanny packs, more closely resemble a group that would fit in nicely playing a few bucks at the dog track.

Exit poll data and unmistakable anecdotal evidence from their events reflects an unfolding campaign in which Romney does best with voters that are a lot like him — wealthy, well-educated and lukewarm about the populist tea party movement. Gingrich is appealing most to Republicans who earn under six figures, make up the core of the middle-class and are worried about their economic prospects and furious at the establishment.

It’s the Tea Party and the cocktail party. Scissors-32x32.png

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I've been listening to a lot of talk radio, and I'm hearing people say the more these attacks against Gingrich continue, the more their support for him hardens. Now some of these are people who could never be convinced to vote for Romney or Santorum, but I've got to tell you I understand where they are coming from. Romney's campaign tactics are really starting to tick me off.

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I've been listening to a lot of talk radio, and I'm hearing people say the more these attacks against Gingrich continue, the more their support for him hardens. Now some of these are people who could never be convinced to vote for Romney or Santorum, but I've got to tell you I understand where they are coming from. Romney's campaign tactics are really starting to tick me off.


I'm more ticked off at the Republican establishment than I am at Romney. Their first concern is keeping their jobs in Washington, and if possible, gaining even more power by gaining a majority in the Senate. But if anyone really thinks Republican majorities in the House and Senate are going to accomplish anything useful, take a look at how things turned out last time we had majorities. Really, the last time anything useful came out of Congress was when Gingrich led the revolution in '94. But now these happy fatcats are doing whatever they can to hang on to their perks and privileges as elected "representatives", and they're doing it by ignoring the people they are supposed to represent. Again, the Tea Party didn't evolve because rank and file Republicans loved the Republican establishment. They're useless at best, and have actually done more long term harm to this country than good over the last decade (or more). Kick them and their selected candidates out and start fresh. And Romney is right in the middle of that bathwater.

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I've been listening to a lot of talk radio, and I'm hearing people say the more these attacks against Gingrich continue, the more their support for him hardens. Now some of these are people who could never be convinced to vote for Romney or Santorum, but I've got to tell you I understand where they are coming from. Romney's campaign tactics are really starting to tick me off.


I'm more ticked off at the Republican establishment than I am at Romney. Their first concern is keeping their jobs in Washington, and if possible, gaining even more power by gaining a majority in the Senate.



Rush has been hammering this very point, for over a month now.



But if anyone really thinks Republican majorities in the House and Senate are going to accomplish anything useful, take a look at how things turned out last time we had majorities. Really, the last time anything useful came out of Congress was when Gingrich led the revolution in '94.



This is a repost from an earlier thread


1st let me state if Romney or Santorum is the candidate I will do everything I can to see them elected.




I've been thinking about this, and I have come to a conclusion. Fine people like Krauthammer are interested in winning this election, and make no mistake that is real important, but I think that is as far as their thinking goes...(please feel free to take me to task about this). IMO that's not enough given the situation.


Say either Romney or Santorum become president, and serve out their two terms, will Washington have been really changed at the end of their term? Will the Congress still be voting to raise the debt ceiling, will the the EEOC still be telling employers who they have to hire, will the bureaucracy in EPA, Dept ED, NTSB, or any of the hundreds of panels/agencies/boards/Depts still be telling the States and you and I how we are to live our lives? Will your State government still be under the thumb of Washington DC? Will State redistricting still be held hostage to federal courts? Will 60% of American citizens still be receiving more monetary aid from the government than they pay in taxes? Will the size of the Debt/Deficit still be increasing? What concerns me is I believe nothing will really change in our political culture, even if these two fine good Conservatives win and serve two terms.


This is why I support Newt Gingrich. Because of the 4 candidates left only two have really talked about how bad the situation is & and what to do about it. One of these two is clearly...reality challenged, so that leaves me with really only one choice...even with his warts issues baggage ex wives and all, because he is the only one who has (as far as I can see) spent time thinking writing speaking about what kind of nation we are.



This all came together tonight watching two older Newt Vids from 09.

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Coordinated Avalanche Against Newt Doesn't Match My Memory

of Reagan Years - The Rush Limbaugh Show


So I knew something like this was gonna happen. It's not really that it's been doctored, but that it has been selectively chosen from. So I sent it up to Cookie 'cause I can't listen to it, I didn't have the time to listen it. Cookie said, "Look, this thing is an hour long. I'm sure he praises Reagan at some point or another, but I wouldn't say it's doctored." So my expert says it's not doctored. The blogger says it's been selectively edited or chosen. So I just wanted to get it out there. I think Cookie is protesting having to listen to an hour of Newt, basically, in order to find -- (laughing) -- what I asked her to find. He-he-he-he-he-he.


RUSH: Cookie is defiant. She's giving me a minute and a half after of the Newt bite and she's insistent that nobody's doctored this and nobody's changed -- and I've read the transcript, that's true. Newt still says look, the eighties were great but we gotta look forward, people -- people care about the future, da-da-da-da-da. He praises Reagan in the bite, which the first -- the -- the excerpted bite doesn't include any of but it doesn't change the fact that while praising Reaganism, he still says to George Bush, you -- you're wasting your time if you campaign on Reaganism. Nobody wants more of the past. We want to look forward, nothing changes about that. So the -- the Cookster was right.



Rush's actual recollections of the Reagan/Gingrich time and things he is surprised to learn now.

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Wanna win an iPad?

How close do you think they are?

Note: Being the 37th worst person on the planet at predicting these kind of things...I make no comment.
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