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I can't stop laughing at the "visually similar images."


Course, I probably shouldn't do that until I check to see what happens when i google my real face. unsure.png

Let's just say using your icon gets lots of BW naked women.


Yeah, and sadly I don't look like a single one. I'm sticking with Michael Caine.

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I can't stop laughing at the "visually similar images."


Course, I probably shouldn't do that until I check to see what happens when i google my real face. unsure.png

Let's just say using your icon gets lots of BW naked women.


Ironically, Valin's avatar comes up on Polly's image search when I try it. Our ever effective Net Nanny filters out all the naughty stuff.

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I thought William Oughtred looked like a colleague of Martin Luther's, or at least from that time period.


I wonder how you pronounce Oughtred.

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I would just like to point out that I was three hundred years off in my guess on the decade of Valin's Avatar. But in my defense, one should never try to discern century by simply looking at a mathematicians clothes. That changes everything.

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I can't stop laughing at the "visually similar images."


Course, I probably shouldn't do that until I check to see what happens when i google my real face. unsure.png

Let's just say using your icon gets lots of BW naked women.


Ironically, Valin's avatar comes up on Polly's image search when I try it. Our ever effective Net Nanny filters out all the naughty stuff.


What a sweet Net Nanny you have. Tell her thanks for me. :lol:

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I would just like to point out that I was three hundred years off in my guess on the decade of Valin's Avatar. But in my defense, one should never try to discern century by simply looking at a mathematicians clothes. That changes everything.


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Ha! @clearvision. In what context would that be? A heated reaction? Or is it a genetic issue. (thanks wikipedia. I know delta...just don't know how to use it.)


In any case...present company excluded. You have a Rheo. ;)

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Well, doggonit @Valin. I just spent the last hour and a half combing through drawings of 15th and 16th Century European philosophers, politicians and religious leaders and I can't find you! And yet you look so familiar. I'm about ready to go downstairs to the storage room and yank out my Western Thought book from college.


If I can't figure it out I'm going to go crazy. Of course, that's not a particularly long trip.


Edited to add: Now that I think about it, that picture seems to be late medieval period. maybe 13th Century?


Try William Oughtred

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I think I have mentioned before that the Republicans have been out of control in Wisconsin for the 22 years that I have lived here and I don't know how long before. We have had to live with what ever the Dems have done with this state in that time and just do the best we can. Put up candidates, vote, get defeated, work and work and try again. The Dems have had power and are used to having power and they are not giving it up lightly. If there fixing elections finally fails-then lets just try to reverse it. A recall. If after millions of dollars the polls are showing you probably will lose, then lets come up with something else. This morning it is all over the news that they are investigating(have been for the last year since the election) Walkers office when he was Milwaukee County supervisor. They have indicted one of the workers for electioneering on taxpayer time and are investigating others. There was a Dem politician on TV this morning smiling from ear to ear saying that maybe we won't have to have a recall after all-he may not last that long. They are trying every trick in the book. So, stay tuned -I am sure it will hit the national news soon. angry.png

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I think I have mentioned before that the Republicans have been out of control in Wisconsin for the 22 years that I have lived here and I don't know how long before. We have had to live with what ever the Dems have done with this state in that time and just do the best we can. Put up candidates, vote, get defeated, work and work and try again. The Dems have had power and are used to having power and they are not giving it up lightly. If there fixing elections finally fails-then lets just try to reverse it. A recall. If after millions of dollars the polls are showing you probably will lose, then lets come up with something else. This morning it is all over the news that they are investigating(have been for the last year since the election) Walkers office when he was Milwaukee County supervisor. They have indicted one of the workers for electioneering on taxpayer time and are investigating others. There was a Dem politician on TV this morning smiling from ear to ear saying that maybe we won't have to have a recall after all-he may not last that long. They are trying every trick in the book. So, stay tuned -I am sure it will hit the national news soon. angry.png



Power does corrupt, this being a sin sick world. Which comes first, the corruption or the taking power for granted?

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Not sure if others have seen this


Red State: Tech at Night: Google causes a privacy stir, Twitter causes a censorship stir, Grassley continues to fight

Neil Stevens

January 28th


So, Google is integrating its websites more. As a result, some privacy settings will apply network-wide, and one site will be able to use data from another site. People are flipping out, naturally. People have been giving Google this data for ages. People have known that Google was watching them, and yet they chose to keep using Google and in fact use one account for many Google services.


Note that the new policy changes nothing about what Google already knew about you. It just changes what certain Google sites will use about you. As Marsha Blackburn and other members of Congress begin to look into it though, Google isn’t helping its case by pleading that it’s alright because certain users are excluded, which just furthers the premise that there’s something wrong with it.


But ultimately, you’re in control of what you do online. Personal responsibility: it’s not just for breakfast anymore.




It appears the changes do not apply to Google search engine...so that's a good thing.

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Popular vote verse electoral vote ???



I for one favor the way Electoral College



If presidential elections were decided by popular vote instead of the Electoral College, Al Gore would have been elected president in 2000. How we choose a president profoundly impacts how campaigns are run, the importance of swing states and an election’s outcome. It’s certainly no surprise that the Electoral College vs. popular vote controversy has sparked considerable debate. As the issue surfaces heading into November, is it time to graduate from the Founding Father's Electoral College concept, or are popularity contests no way to choose a president?



If individuals want to give themselves to be superlative in their lack of influence, then the Electoral College should be discontinued. However, if we want to maximize the influence of the smallest member of the voting public and therefore human dignity, then the College is vital.


We are not a Nation State but a Nation of States.


Be not deceived!

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The community page and database are now fully functional (I hope). Adding anything to a community database automatically inserts the info as a topic in the appropriate forum AND keeps it in the database for later access and easy sorting, etc. Check it out using Community link in side list or at top of page.





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