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I was greated with some pretty exciting news when I went to our local WRAL site today.


DEM NC Gov. Perdue is cutting and running after her campaign finance scandal... and super Liberal-Weenie Congressman Brad Miller is dropping out of his reelection bid since the state Repubs redrew the districts. He'd had a wildly drawn district for years that grouped all the lib areas together so that it ensured a DEM win.


That is why state elections are important on a national level.





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Another Stimulus-Backed Energy Company Files for Bankruptcy


The company, Ener1, received a $118 million grant from DOE in 2010 as part of the president’s stimulus package. The money, which went to Ener1 subsidiary EnerDel, aimed to promote renewable energy storage battery technology for electrical grid use.






During the practically endless series of Republican debates, we have heard almost every question imaginable asked to Republican candidates


I beg to differ. We still don't know Boxers or Briefs? This could be a deal killer, and we need to know.

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Are we having fun yet? ha.

The new editor is going to take some getting used to and probably a few bad words.


When starting an article, you need to click the first icon (Plain/Rich) text. Pasting is now done with the Text Paste icon.

When you preview your article before posting..hint..hint...it should not have any pictures or hot links in it, unless you added one or two for clarity in the snip.

It is frustrating, but before long, we will all have figured it out before they change it on us again. ohmy.png


All members could and should be adding to the Suggested Videos and Suggested Sites. The only ones that will show on the main page are from News/Opinion.

The suggested sites are determined by rating them.

Now, go look around, try it out and remember....you are not the only one doing this today...wallbash.gif

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MRC's Bozell Announces Launch of 'Tell the Truth! 2012' Campaign


Today I’m announcing that the Media Research Center, the largest media watchdog group in America, with over 500,000 members, is undertaking the largest effort in our 25 year history. Today we formally unveil our national "Tell the Truth! 2012" campaign.


The liberals dominating the national media have been doing their best to influence elections for years. It’s 2012 and already we have documented endless examples of the so-called news media covering up the failures of the Obama presidency and attacking every conservative presidential candidate one by one by one.


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Hey, you guys do you know the difference between a 'democracy' and a 'republic'


Bet you will be surprised (this video is about 10 minutes long) when you find out why our Founders gave us a Republic and not a mob-rule democracy


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Reuters' embarassing Rubio hit piece


Reuters is out with an embarrassing hit piece on Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., this morning. Over at the Daily Caller, Matt Lewis notes a number of errors. The news agency has already issued two corrections, but as of this writing it has not published (at least on its website) a correction for two of the most egregious and easily verifiable errors – that “Rubio also voted against Sonia Sotomayor” and he “voted against Obama's healthcare overhaul…” As most of those who follow politics know without even Googling it, Sotomayor was confirmed in 2009, Obamacare passed in 2010 and Rubio wasn’t sworn into the Senate until 2011.Scissors-32x32.png

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Leak to media about Ethics probes ignites chatter on source, motives


A leak to the media that identified three Republicans who are being investigated by the House Ethics Committee has lawmakers and staffers wondering who the source is, and his or her motive.

There are many theories on who, over a four-day period, forked over the names of GOP Reps. Pete Sessions (Texas), Buck McKeon (Calif.) and Elton Gallegly (Calif.) to media outlets in reference to an ongoing investigation into VIP loans given to lawmakers by Countrywide. Scissors-32x32.png


Others are looking suspiciously at the committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Elijah Cummings (Md.), who would stand to gain the most politically from the leak. But his office vehemently denies any role in the release.Scissors-32x32.png

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Media Matters solicits lawmaker ‘allies’ to steer media coverage



The far-left nonprofit Media Matters for America (MMFA) has attempted to court at least one Democrat lawmaker as its “all[y]” in “gain[ing] favorable media coverage” in the ongoing Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline debate. Claiming an alliance with lawmakers appears to be the latest red flag for the organization critics allege has frequently overstepped its tax-exempt privileges.Scissors-32x32.png


“We are hoping for a big media splash, but — more importantly — we’re hoping that allies will be able to leverage it to gain favorable coverage,” Pierce continued.



They also inadvertently sent it to Sen. James Inhofe's office. ha.

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Soros May Benefit From White House’s Natural Gas Proposal


George Soros, a billionaire investor and major backer of President Obama, stands to reap a windfall from legislation promoting natural gas-powered vehicles. The White House unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would do just that.

The proposal would offer incentives for companies to buy and use trucks powered by natural gas. Obama announced the effort at a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received stimulus funding to buy natural gas vehicles and build a fueling station for them.Scissors-32x32.png


I did not see that coming and am so shocked. Not.

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