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Does Iowa Electoral Fraud Scam Lead To White House?


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Investors Business Daily:

Election '12: In a scandal reeking of electoral fraud, a Democrat-linked political hack was arrested Friday for identity theft in an apparent bid to defame and replace Iowa's GOP secretary of state. How far up does this go?

Zachary Edwards, who served as President Obama's Iowa "New Media Director," and a campaign organizer in critical battleground states such as North Carolina and New Mexico during 2008's elections, apparently has quite a range of uses to the Democratic Party.

One of those uses may include identity theft.

The 29-year-old's arrest in Des Moines, Iowa, on Friday, for attempting to steal the identity of Matt Schultz, Iowa's Republican secretary of state, points to dirty tricks as a potential element of the Democratic agenda for 2012. The big question is how far up it goes.

According to a criminal complaint released by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, "Edwards fraudulently used, or attempted to use, the identity of Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz and/or Schultz's brother, Thomas Schultz, to obtain a benefit, in an alleged scheme to falsely implicate Secretary Schultz in perceived illegal or unethical behavior while in office."

Edwards worked for a consulting and opposition research operation with close ties to the Democrats, called Link Strategies. The firm has since fired him and claimed that his acts were unauthorized deeds of a lone wolf acting on his own.

But if one were to scroll back to 2006, the only response to that is: Not so fast.

In 2006, the hardest of the hardcore Democratic operatives — including the secretive rich-man's club known as The Democracy Alliance, and the loud crazies of MoveOn.org, both funded by socialist billionaire George Soros — founded a "527" political group called the "Secretary of State Project."snip
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