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World War


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Speaking at the Pentagon on January 5th, President Obama proclaimed: “Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of war is receding.”

He could not be more dangerously mistaken. As he spoke, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was packing his bags for yet another foreign sortie, not, as you might imagine, to Damascus to bolster the morale of Bashar Assad — alongside whom Iran’s killers are conducting mass murder in Syria’s cities and villages — but rather to Latin American capitals much closer to us, including Caracas, Quito, Guatemala City, Havana, and Managua. The Nicaraguan visit was on the occasion of the inauguration of our old enemy, Daniel Ortega. The others are to discuss matters of “mutual interest.”

Venezuela is far and away the most important, but each of the others is significant, and shows that we are engaged in a global war that is advancing, not receding. The “matters of joint concern” feature military and “asymmetrical” projects aimed directly at the American homeland. And that is only the Western hemispheric dimension of the real war. Ahmadinejad and his cohorts have worked very energetically to forge a global network that includes Russia, China, (sometimes) Turkey, Syria, and the Western hemisphere gang. In part, the network helps Iran bust the sanctions that have recently catalyzed a spectacular drop in the value of Iran’s currency. Money, weapons, refined petroleum products, and even crude oil get laundered through foreign banks, shell companies, and ports.

Sanctions-busting is the least of it. Al-Qaeda terrorists of the stature of Saif al Adel (acting AQ chief between bin Laden and Zawahiri) fought against us in Mogadiscio, and lived for years in Iran. Zarqawi, the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, operated from Tehran for a long time. Hezbollah, an arm of the Iranian regime, sends killers to Syria to massacre protesters.

The Latin American network sends Iranians (or their surrogates, as in the plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington) into the United States. CBN reports that 28 Iranians were detained, arrested and released by Homeland Security in the first two years of the Obama presidency, and promptly vanished. And numerous reports refer to joint Iranian-Venezuelan ventures, including weapons and missile manufacture and assembly in Venezuela.

The administration is not happy to paint this picture for the American people. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland, asked on January 6th about Ahmadinejad’s trip, warned that “now is not the time to be deepening ties, not security ties, not economic ties, with Iran,” But Ms Nuland did not wish to point to the well-established pattern. Instead, she carefully misdescribed the network as if it were something brand new, as if it were a panicky response to Obama’s tough policies: “As the regime feels increasing pressure, it is desperate for friends and (is) flailing around in interesting places to find new friends.”

Yes, Iran is under a lot of pressure, both from without and within. Its currency is in free fall (as of yesterday it had dropped 50% against the dollar since September), there are open rifts within the governing elite, and some of the Revolutionary Guards’ most important bases have been bombed in the recent past. For extras, the Latin network is not all it can be, since the Iranians are so unreliable. They’ve promised many things, but delivered only some of them, and the Latinos have complained openly. But the unkept promises haven’t slowed down the military programs, or the quest for uranium, which, along with the expanding terror network, are the most threatening to us.snip
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Speaking at the Pentagon on January 5th, President Obama proclaimed: “Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of war is receding.”


thinking.gif I wonder if Hezbollah, Abu Sayyaf Group, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Boko Haram have gotten the memo?


I don't normally like to take Scripture out of context but the O's statement and all that is happening globally and in our own society is too apt to pass or ignore:

Jeremiah 6:14 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace.

8Go now, write it on a tablet for them,

inscribe it on a scroll,


that for the days to come


it may be an everlasting witness.


9These are rebellious people, deceitful children,


children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction.


10They say to the seers,


“See no more visions!”


and to the prophets,


“Give us no more visions of what is right!


Tell us pleasant things,


prophesy illusions.


11Leave this way,


get off this path,


and stop confronting us


with the Holy One of Israel!”






Woe to the Obstinate Nation


1“Woe to the obstinate children,”


declares the Lord,


“to those who carry out plans that are not mine,


forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,


heaping sin upon sin;


2who go down to Egypt


without consulting me;


who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection,


to Egypt’s shade for refuge.


3But Pharaoh’s protection will be to your shame,


Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace.


4Though they have officials in Zoan


and their envoys have arrived in Hanes,


5everyone will be put to shame


because of a people useless to them,


who bring neither help nor advantage,


but only shame and disgrace.”

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I don't normally like to take Scripture out of context but the O's statement and all that is happening globally and in our own society is too apt to pass or ignore:


I am partial to Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish."


A couple of years ago I was working with this young kid. One of if not the sharpest young guys I've ever worked with, really great, never had to tell him something needed to be done, he'd see something that needed to be done and just do it.

So one night we're talking....

Q. What do you want to do?

A. I want to get rich.

Q. Why? So you become rich, then what?

A. So I can do what I want.

Q. What do you want to do?

A. blank stare.......


"Where there is no vision, the people perish."

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I am partial to Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish."


One of my favorites too, Valin.


I use it all the time when discussing our current society.

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