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Coulter: ‘With Newt Gingrich you throw out the baby and keep the bath water’ [VIDEO]


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Daily Caller:

On a Sunday morning appearance on “Fox & Friends,” conservative columnist Ann Coulter explained why Romney fell short in the South Carolina GOP presidential primary, blaming the priorities of South Carolina voters for Gingrich’s success.

“Apparently, South Carolinians would rather have the emotional satisfaction of a snotty remark toward the president than to beat Obama in the fall,” Coulter, the author of “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America,” said. “We saw it in the debates when Gingrich would say things that didn’t really make sense. That is what you usually associate with Democrats, which I described in my last book, ‘Demonic,’ how mobs behave.”

Some of what Gingrich has said might appear to make sense, she said, but should be analyzed more closely.

“Something that sounds like it makes sense like, ‘Mitt Romney doesn’t have influence over his super PAC — that makes you wonder if he’ll have influence as president,’” she continued. “How many times does Mitt Romney have to say it is illegal for a candidate to have influence on the super PAC. It is not, interestingly, though, for a president to have influence. So it makes no sense if you think about it for all of three seconds, but it sounds like it makes sense. It is just like what you get from liberals most of the time and the cheers and yahoos, and that is what we kept getting from this audience.”

Coulter, who has been a Romney supporter since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he would not be seeking the Republican nomination, was asked if Romney should change his strategy now that he suffered a defeat in South Carolina, and perhaps go on the offensive with “fire in the belly.”

“No, he’s doing fine,” Coulter said. “This is not going be the electorate in the fall. I am pretty sure we’ll get everyone who voted for McCain — since no one voted for McCain because we liked McCain — it was to stop Obama. We have those voters. Now you have to get people who voted for Obama and having a candidate who goes out and calls Obama a ‘Kenyan colonialist,’ that is not what you need. And at the same time, with Newt Gingrich you get the name calling for the president — very popular with the tea party crowd in South Carolina, not so popular with independents. He won’t put a fence on the border and wants amnesty for illegals. He took $1.6 million from Freddie Mac. But you know, he attacked Paul Ryan’s plan on Social Security. So with Newt Gingrich, you throw out the baby and keep the bath water.”

After South Carolina, I just don't know what's going to happen anymore, except that whoever does finally win this thing will probably wish they hadn't.
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I think you're right.


And it bothers me that people who worshiped the ground that Coulter walked on are now calling her a Rino. She is sounding the same warning that many people with first hand experience are sounding.


It makes me wonder if Republicans would have ignored Paul Revere if it was inconvenient.

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WestVirginiaRebel, pollyannaish


Right Scoop: Video Coulter: S.C. voters prefer snotty remarks over beating Obama


From the comments


ApplePie101 9 minutes ago

That's right, Ann. Insult the voters. Turn on that elitist beltway charm.


PVG 49 minutes ago

Compose yourself, you are sounding hysterical Ann......



Spartan1975 Today 07:17 PM

Its like..... Oh my....Romney is the only electable Republican...and I am so smart!

Do I need to look down a little more on you people for you to understand...(sarc)


After Mittens sore loser speech after SC...you can really start seeing the establishment getting angry because people are not listening to them! I guess it is time to unleash the hounds but it is comical to me when both Coulter and Christie say Gingrich has socialist tendencies, is an embarrasement to the Republican party or has a lot of baggage when their candidate is by far worse. Between Romeycare and the constant flip-flops Mittens is far from perfect in my opinion...


And on And on And on



Ann did herself and her candidate no good with these remarks.

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And it bothers me that people who worshiped the ground that Coulter walked on are now calling her a Rino. She is sounding the same warning that many people with first hand experience are sounding.



Some of us tired of her a long time ago. Granted she is witty and cleaver, but people who are witty and cleaver, are a dime a dozen.

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And it bothers me that people who worshiped the ground that Coulter walked on are now calling her a Rino. She is sounding the same warning that many people with first hand experience are sounding.



Some of us tired of her a long time ago. Granted she is witty and cleaver, but people who are witty and cleaver, are a dime a dozen.


I've never cared for her, although she does make me laugh on occasion. Just making a general comment on how people turn on each other if a person brings us news we don't want to hear. Classic case of killing the messenger...and honestly a very human reaction.


Just trying to keep listening...to as much as possible.

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WestVirginiaRebel, pollyannaish


Right Scoop: Video Coulter: S.C. voters prefer snotty remarks over beating Obama


From the comments


ApplePie101 9 minutes ago

That's right, Ann. Insult the voters. Turn on that elitist beltway charm.


PVG 49 minutes ago

Compose yourself, you are sounding hysterical Ann......



Spartan1975 Today 07:17 PM

Its like..... Oh my....Romney is the only electable Republican...and I am so smart!

Do I need to look down a little more on you people for you to understand...(sarc)


After Mittens sore loser speech after SC...you can really start seeing the establishment getting angry because people are not listening to them! I guess it is time to unleash the hounds but it is comical to me when both Coulter and Christie say Gingrich has socialist tendencies, is an embarrasement to the Republican party or has a lot of baggage when their candidate is by far worse. Between Romeycare and the constant flip-flops Mittens is far from perfect in my opinion...


And on And on And on



Ann did herself and her candidate no good with these remarks.


That may be true. I'm not sweet on Romney either. And I think this electable stuff is really subjective. But that is actually not what is bothering me. It is the lack of caution in supporting Newt. The warning signs are everywhere.


It's almost like we are about to be as snookered as every last one of his wives. I'm sorry...I just don't trust either of the candidates. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do.

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WestVirginiaRebel, pollyannaish


Right Scoop: Video Coulter: S.C. voters prefer snotty remarks over beating Obama


From the comments


ApplePie101 9 minutes ago

That's right, Ann. Insult the voters. Turn on that elitist beltway charm.


PVG 49 minutes ago

Compose yourself, you are sounding hysterical Ann......



Spartan1975 Today 07:17 PM

Its like..... Oh my....Romney is the only electable Republican...and I am so smart!

Do I need to look down a little more on you people for you to understand...(sarc)


After Mittens sore loser speech after SC...you can really start seeing the establishment getting angry because people are not listening to them! I guess it is time to unleash the hounds but it is comical to me when both Coulter and Christie say Gingrich has socialist tendencies, is an embarrasement to the Republican party or has a lot of baggage when their candidate is by far worse. Between Romeycare and the constant flip-flops Mittens is far from perfect in my opinion...


And on And on And on



Ann did herself and her candidate no good with these remarks.


That may be true. I'm not sweet on Romney either. And I think this electable stuff is really subjective. But that is actually not what is bothering me. It is the lack of caution in supporting Newt. The warning signs are everywhere.


It's almost like we are about to be as snookered as every last one of his wives. I'm sorry...I just don't trust either of the candidates. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do.



Vote your conscience or your heart in the primary....... but come November, it has to be: ABO (Anyone But Obama).

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But that is actually not what is bothering me. It is the lack of caution in supporting Newt. The warning signs are everywhere.



I can't won't speak for others but I will say as someone who has been following Newt Gingrich since the Jim Wright days. I'm supporting him in spite of his warts, and all the things said about him (most of which are true), because, A. He understands the size, nature of the problems facing us, and a set of plans to counter act them. In fact I think there are only two of the candidates who are talking about these big issues, and one of them has a foreign policy that is an unmitigated disaster.

I don't think my support lacks caution. I do believe I've thought it out, and while if Santorum or Romney win the nomination I will give them my whole hearted support, Newt is my guy.

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But that is actually not what is bothering me. It is the lack of caution in supporting Newt. The warning signs are everywhere.



I can't won't speak for others but I will say as someone who has been following Newt Gingrich since the Jim Wright days. I'm supporting him in spite of his warts, and all the things said about him (most of which are true), because, A. He understands the size, nature of the problems facing us, and a set of plans to counter act them. In fact I think there are only two of the candidates who are talking about these big issues, and one of them has a foreign policy that is an unmitigated disaster.

I don't think my support lacks caution. I do believe I've thought it out, and while if Santorum or Romney win the nomination I will give them my whole hearted support, Newt is my guy.


Fair enough. :)

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WestVirginiaRebel, pollyannaish


Right Scoop: Video Coulter: S.C. voters prefer snotty remarks over beating Obama


From the comments


ApplePie101 9 minutes ago

That's right, Ann. Insult the voters. Turn on that elitist beltway charm.


PVG 49 minutes ago

Compose yourself, you are sounding hysterical Ann......



Spartan1975 Today 07:17 PM

Its like..... Oh my....Romney is the only electable Republican...and I am so smart!

Do I need to look down a little more on you people for you to understand...(sarc)


After Mittens sore loser speech after SC...you can really start seeing the establishment getting angry because people are not listening to them! I guess it is time to unleash the hounds but it is comical to me when both Coulter and Christie say Gingrich has socialist tendencies, is an embarrasement to the Republican party or has a lot of baggage when their candidate is by far worse. Between Romeycare and the constant flip-flops Mittens is far from perfect in my opinion...


And on And on And on



Ann did herself and her candidate no good with these remarks.


That may be true. I'm not sweet on Romney either. And I think this electable stuff is really subjective. But that is actually not what is bothering me. It is the lack of caution in supporting Newt. The warning signs are everywhere.


It's almost like we are about to be as snookered as every last one of his wives. I'm sorry...I just don't trust either of the candidates. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do.



Vote your conscience or your heart in the primary....... but come November, it has to be: ABO (Anyone But Obama).


Well, as a Washington State Voter who is being shorted out of a primary this year by our intrepid Dem Governor in an effort to save money (we have very late caucus...which will be very poorly attended unless the nominee is not selected by the time it gets here.) I will probably end up just staying out of the primaries. I guess this year I'll leave it all up to you guys. :)

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Well, as a Washington State Voter who is being shorted out of a primary this year by our intrepid Dem Governor in an effort to save money (we have very late caucus...which will be very poorly attended unless the nominee is not selected by the time it gets here.) I will probably end up just staying out of the primaries. I guess this year I'll leave it all up to you guys. :)

The primary process has to be re-examined if we are to go forward and elect good candidates every election.

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Well, as a Washington State Voter who is being shorted out of a primary this year by our intrepid Dem Governor in an effort to save money (we have very late caucus...which will be very poorly attended unless the nominee is not selected by the time it gets here.) I will probably end up just staying out of the primaries. I guess this year I'll leave it all up to you guys. :)

The primary process has to be re-examined if we are to go forward and elect good candidates every election.



I agree. Honestly, I would love to see a more regional approach to the primaries. Rather than focusing on states, focus on states in specific regions of the country. There could be the north east primary day, the southern primary day, the midwest primary day, the west primary day and the northwest primary day. They could be the November December of one year and January February March of the next. Then hit the ground running from April to November. That's more than enough for me and would give those of us on the west a little more say in things. Heck. Let's START on this side of the country for a change! B)

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I Love Ann Coulter Even When She Is Wrong

Tony Katz



Ann Coulter is wrong about Newt Gingrich. She is wrong about Mitt Romney. She is wrong about President Obama. Since the election race began, Ann Coulter has been wrong about near everything having to do with the GOP race in 2012. Yet, she's still smarter than near everyone out there. I love Ann Coulter, even when she's wrong.




Coulter is wrong about the idea of electability. Legal Insurrection made this point about Coulter's thoughts just last year:(emphasis mine)


In February 2011 she told us at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) that Romney was a certain loser against Obama, now she tells us he will win. Her excuse was that she was “sick” at CPAC. She also played the birther card on the Tea Party in making the case for Romney. Inexcusable and unforgivable. Coulter’s endorsement of Romney does not a case for Romney make.




Ann Coulter will continue to dominate big think, and will continue to do us proud when it comes to taking on nonsensical leftist talking points. She will eviscerate those who haven't done their research. She will do it with a smile, with a historical understand about America, its culture and its values. When she does, we will watch and cheer wildly.


I love this woman. She's just wrong about the 2012 race.



Tony is a much nicer more forgiving person than I.

People want to criticize/attack Gingrich...fine this is big time politics and everyone who get's in knows what's coming...but Ann has gone that extra mile (and she is always want to do).


It will be very interesting to see what happens the next time she gives a public speech, as a lot of people are not going to forget what she has done in this race.

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