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I agree with The Right Scoop that her tone was condescending.



From the comments


"The next time Coulter writes a book, she's going to be in for a rude awakening. She's lost the respect of a lot of people who have bought her books in the past."


poljunkie Moderator 18 minutes ago

"Miss Coulter has gone from witty evaluations to snarky attempt at takedowns.


It’s not becoming."


Let's just say those were two of the milder more civil comments.


I will say this, when she first appeared of the scene her act was cute, refreshing, but over the years it has become stale and boring. She's really smart, but she always seems to take the low road, the cheap shot....disappointing



and Ann for Gods sake eat something! You look like you just got our of Dachau.

/snarky cheap shot low road

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I have a new drinking game! Every time Newt says Fundamentally, you have to take a drink. We'll all be drunk all the time.


Worse yet, "frankly". Better then "uh, ummm, uh, uh" though. And no teleprompter.

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I have a new drinking game! Every time Newt says Fundamentally, you have to take a drink. We'll all be drunk all the time.


Worse yet, "frankly". Better then "uh, ummm, uh, uh" though. And no teleprompter.



I've been watching a bunch of Gingrich Tou Tune speechs lately, and I lost count of the times he's said Fundamentally. So I was thinking.....DRINLING GAME! :lol:


Although now that I think on it we could also use..."And This Is very important[/b].


"uh, ummm, uh, uh" That's more of a Romney thing.


We really should find something for Santorum & Paul. I think for Paul it would be "Federal Reserve". But I could be talked out of that.

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Sometimes, you just need to laugh, smile, snort or say..OMG Rheo.



Chasing Beaver...now there's a phrase I've not heard in a couple of decades!

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OK, along with the bogus Obama first election ad the Dems must be pushing a bar graph that two lib relatives posted this morning on FB. It is too much of a coincidence that they both posted it from different parts of the country on the same day. It is put out by the "Office of the Democratic Leader"?? and the source is supposed to be the Treasury Department. It shows Percent Increase in Public Debt and has Reagan at 189%, HWB at 55%, Clinton 37%, GW 115%, and Obama 16%???????????? I'm sure there is some kind of hocus pocus here but I am not a numbers person.Tried to find something on Heritage but could not come up with anything and I don't have time to mess with it this morning. Help??????

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OK, along with the bogus Obama first election ad the Dems must be pushing a bar graph that two lib relatives posted this morning on FB. It is too much of a coincidence that they both posted it from different parts of the country on the same day. It is put out by the "Office of the Democratic Leader"?? and the source is supposed to be the Treasury Department. It shows Percent Increase in Public Debt and has Reagan at 189%, HWB at 55%, Clinton 37%, GW 115%, and Obama 16%???????????? I'm sure there is some kind of hocus pocus here but I am not a numbers person.Tried to find something on Heritage but could not come up with anything and I don't have time to mess with it this morning. Help??????


"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."

Mark Twain


Now for today Fun With Statistics....The average human has one breast and one testicle.


Cliff Clavin is my hero!

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Message to the Obama reelection campaign, I have some bad news & some good news.

1st the bad news





Ok I lied,,,there is no good news.


More Cow Bells More Cow Bells!

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Report: Sen. Rand Paul detained by the TSA


UPDATE: "My son @SenRandPaul being detained by TSA for refusing full body pat-down after anomaly in body scanner in Nashville. More details coming," tweeted Ron Paul moments ago.


“I spoke with him five minutes ago and he was being detained indefinitely,” Paul spokesperson Moira Bagley told Politico. “The image scan went off, he refused patdown.”


Oh this is not going to go well for the TSA!


File this under What Were They Thinking!

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I'll probably run across it as well Geee! Will grab it and post it if I do.



Sen. Mark Kirk undergoes surgery after suffering stroke


"Due to his young age, good health and the nature of the stroke, doctors are very confident in the Senator's recovery over the weeks ahead."snip


Kirk, 52, captured President Barack Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat in a close 2010 election against Democrat Alexi Giannoulias.


His victory capped a tumultuous political fight that began when former Gov. Rod Blagojevich was charged with attempting to sell the Senate seat for personal gain – a charge he was convicted of last year.


During 10 years in the U.S. House before his Senate election, Kirk has forged a reputation as a centrist Republican.snip

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January 23, 2012 9pm ET/8pm CT and 9pm PT on NBC – Live Stream (Live stream from 9pm to 10:30pm ET only)

Location: University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida

Sponsor: The Tampa Bay Times, NBC News, the National Journal and the Florida Council of 100

Participants: Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul

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January 23, 2012 9pm ET/8pm CT and 9pm PT on NBC – Live Stream (Live stream from 9pm to 10:30pm ET only)

Location: University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida

Sponsor: The Tampa Bay Times, NBC News, the National Journal and the Florida Council of 100

Participants: Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul



Florida Council of 100? Is that people 100 and over :P (Uh, Florida joke)

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Just copy the bb code, top box and then paste here...voila!



After Much research I found that this chart came from Pelosi's Office and Media Matters.


Here is what Politifact says:


Reagan: Up 14.9 percentage points

George H.W. Bush: Up 7.1 percentage points

Clinton: Down 13.4 percentage points

George W. Bush: Up 5.6 percentage points

Obama: Up 21.9 percentage points (through December 2010 only)



This Chart also got Washington Post's Pinnochio Award.


This is what they came up with:



If the chart were recast to show how much the debt went up as a percentage of GDP, it would look pretty bad for Obama after not even three years in office. In fact, Obama does almost twice as poorly as Reagan — and four times worse than George W. Bush.


Reagan: plus 14.9 percentage points

GHW Bush: plus 7.1 percentage points

Clinton: down 13.4 percentage points

GW Bush: plus 5.6 percentage points

Obama: plus 24.6 percentage points

(Note: We derived most of these data from table 7.1 of the budget office historical tables, which gives end-of-fiscal year figures, so they do not quite match up to presidential terms. Obama’s figures are based on the GDP: public debt ratio as of June 30, 2011)


They also explain the convoluted way they came up with the numbers.





Bottom line: Democrats lie- Who knew ;)

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