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Newt Gingrich Wins. What it Means


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No candidate has won the GOP nomination for President without winning South Carolina since Ronald Reagan in 1980. But every one of those candidates who won had also won either Iowa or New Hampshire.

We’re now confronted with a designated front runner, Mitt Romney, who got less votes in Iowa in 2012 than he got in 2008 and who lost South Carolina. His reason for being somehow remains that he is “electable.”

If you read a lot of the Republican commentary coming out of Washington even before the polls closed, suddenly South Carolina is irrelevant and the hick rubes of the Palmetto state are just petulant children.

Actually, like with Iowa, it is a rather desperate scream to get another player on the field. It is a red flag. It is the giant “Danger” sign ahead for the general election.

Newt Gingrich’s rise has a lot to do with Newt Gingrich’s debate performance. But it has just as much to do with a party base in revolt against its thought and party leaders in Washington, DC. The base is revolting because they swept the GOP back into relevance in Washington just under two years ago and they have been thanked with contempt ever since
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I've read a lot of post-SC primary reports. This one really nailed the bullseye in my opinion. Sums up exactly where I am.


People are mad as hell they are about to be stuck with another boring, moderate, uninspiring choice that has at best a 50/50 shot at losing to the worst president since Carter. They are flocking to Newt not because they think he’s a great guy, but because right now, he’s the only one fighting for conservatism and GOP voters are looking for a vessel to channel their anger with Obama and their complete disappointment with the GOP establishment which is now embodied perfectly by Romney. They want a conservative fighter because most conservatives look back at Ford, Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush, and McCain and see only the ones taking a conservative path against the Democrats actually winning.


Can't find fault with this.



I've been a big fan of Newt (warts and all) ever since he took down Jim 'fort worthless' Wright.

2 questions

A. Will this last, or will it flame out?




B. (more importantly) Will the punditocracy get the message?


I think large parts of the GOP base (Tea Party..etc.) are really looking for a fight. And it's not just the media, it's as Eric says the Republican establishment.

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No candidate has won the GOP nomination for President without winning South Carolina since Ronald Reagan in 1980. But every one of those candidates who won had also won either Iowa or New Hampshire.


We’re now confronted with a designated front runner, Mitt Romney, who got less votes in Iowa in 2012 than he got in 2008 and who lost South Carolina. His reason for being somehow remains that he is “electable.”


If you read a lot of the Republican commentary coming out of Washington even before the polls closed, suddenly South Carolina is irrelevant and the hick rubes of the Palmetto state are just petulant children.


Actually, like with Iowa, it is a rather desperate scream to get another player on the field. It is a red flag. It is the giant “Danger” sign ahead for the general election.


Newt Gingrich’s rise has a lot to do with Newt Gingrich’s debate performance. But it has just as much to do with a party base in revolt against its thought and party leaders in Washington, DC. The base is revolting because they swept the GOP back into relevance in Washington just under two years ago and they have been thanked with contempt ever since




Ricochet: Humility Time, Or Good Golly, Miss Mollie

Peter Robinson


Eager to say something just now, I found, reading the comments on Rob's post, below, that our own Mollie Hemingway had already gone ahead and said it for me:


I would love for the elites -- in the Republican Party, in the media, in conservative media, etc. -- to humbly reflect on tonight's results. They are reacting by freaking out, more or less, but I'd prefer a bit more humble reaction. This is an indictment of them, too.


Well and truly said, Mollie, well and truly said.

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