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Need ideas for news feeds.


What are some current examples?

Well, go to our News Feeds and see. ha.


Fox, RCP, IBD and PJ. Those were the ones we set up years ago and well....

With the new site having the members suggested site feed, it may not mean as much but we are asking for input.

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Right now, a brokered convention looks good.

Michael Steele is saying a 50-50 possibility. Guess that covers it. :D


Conventional wisdom (ie inside the Beltway) says that Newt is unelectable because of his baggage. The results from South Carolina indicate that isn't true. If he does well in Florida, he's going to have real momentum. The next burst of conventional wisdom will be that nobody but Republicans will vote for him and that all the independents will vote for Obama. Well McCain was selected on the assumption that he'd carry the independent vote. That didn't really happen. More importantly, he couldn't even light a fire in the Republican party. McCain won the 2008 SC primary with 33% over Huckabee with 30%. McCain received 147,733 total votes. Currently Newt is winning with 41% over Romney's 27% and with about 70% of precincts reporting Newt has already received 175,000 votes.

The Republican candidate who can light a fire among Republicans will defeat Obama. South Carolina indicates that Newt has the ability to light a fire among Republicans. Certainly more than anyone else running and apparently more than McCain. This is a long way of saying, I think a brokered convention isn't going to happen. Despite (in spite of) conventional wisdom, I think Newt is going to drag his baggage into being the Republican nominee and then into the White House.


Just as a follow-up...it appears there was a record turnout in South Carolina despite bad weather. 25% more than 2008, and 4% higher than the hotly contested Bush/McCain primary in 2000. GWB won that primary by about the same margin Newt beat Romney. The only other candidate in that race was Alan Keyes.

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Need ideas for news feeds.


What are some current examples?

Well, go to our News Feeds and see. ha.


Fox, RCP, IBD and PJ. Those were the ones we set up years ago and well....

With the new site having the members suggested site feed, it may not mean as much but we are asking for input.


Oops. How about The Daily Caller? The New York Post can be good for entertainment. The Long War Journal is a little combat specific but has a good news feed. I've got Realclearpolitics on my TRR front page. They're kind of hard to beat for politics.

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Ron PAUL is on now. :wacko:


The candidate who seems to be behaves as though he is related to Bill Clinton won SC.



Given what is at stake with the general election, how much does it matter what he did 10 years ago?

A. A great deal

B. some

C. not at all.


I am not concerned about the philandering. At least Newt married his girlfriends.


I am concerned about the toxic nature he turns to when he doesn't get his way.


All pols have a toxic nature, some are able to be more subtle about it in public.


Okay then try this: Republicans agree with Santorum: Gingrich’s a disaster. How about losing the House, where we should be picking up seats due to redistricting?


Romney's not my candidate. Newt can speak very well. Sometimes. Then he throws everything but the kitchen sink (such as assaults on the free market). We know that Newt is a terrible manager, which would be awful if somehow he were elected.


This is not going to be about debates. Newt is unlikely to win over Republicans and Independents debating Obama because the press won't cover it (exceptions noted for the dreaded FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, NY POST, Washington Examiner and Washington Times).

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Okay then try this: Republicans agree with Santorum: Gingrich’s a disaster. How about losing the House, where we should be picking up seats due to redistricting?


Romney's not my candidate. Newt can speak very well. Sometimes. Then he throws everything but the kitchen sink (such as assaults on the free market). We know that Newt is a terrible manager, which would be awful if somehow he were elected.


This is not going to be about debates. Newt is unlikely to win over Republicans and Independents debating Obama because the press won't cover it (exceptions noted for the dreaded FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, NY POST, Washington Examiner and Washington Times).



Given Jennifer Rubin's history with Newt, you might want to pick someone else, less anti Newt...like say Ann Coulter.

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Okay then try this: Republicans agree with Santorum: Gingrich’s a disaster. How about losing the House, where we should be picking up seats due to redistricting?


Romney's not my candidate. Newt can speak very well. Sometimes. Then he throws everything but the kitchen sink (such as assaults on the free market). We know that Newt is a terrible manager, which would be awful if somehow he were elected.


This is not going to be about debates. Newt is unlikely to win over Republicans and Independents debating Obama because the press won't cover it (exceptions noted for the dreaded FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, NY POST, Washington Examiner and Washington Times).



Given Jennifer Rubin's history with Newt, you might want to pick someone else, less anti Newt...like say Ann Coulter.



The negatives on him...well they're all pretty much true. So the question is, Why am I defending him? One word.....IDEAS.


This is from another thread the other day.....


1st let me state if Romney or Santorum is the candidate I will do everything I can to see them elected.




I've been thinking about this, and I have come to a conclusion. Fine people like Krauthammer are interested in winning this election, and make no mistake that is real important, but I think that is as far as their thinking goes...(please feel free to take me to task about this). IMO that's not enough given the situation.


Say either Romney or Santorum become president, and serve out their two terms, will Washington have been really changed at the end of their term? Will the Congress still be voting to raise the debt ceiling, will the the EEOC still be telling employers who they have to hire, will the bureaucracy in EPA, Dept ED, NTSB, or any of the hundreds of panels/agencies/boards/Depts still be telling the States and you and I how we are to live our lives? Will your State government still be under the thumb of Washington DC? Will State redistricting still be held hostage to federal courts? Will 60% of American citizens still be receiving more monetary aid from the government than they pay in taxes? Will the size of the Debt/Deficit still be increasing? What concerns me is I believe nothing will really change in our political culture, even if these two fine good Conservatives win and serve two terms.


This is why I support Newt Gingrich. Because of the 4 candidates left only two have really talked about how bad the situation is & and what to do about it. One of these two is clearly...reality challenged, so that leaves me with really only one choice...even with his warts issues baggage ex wives and all, because he is the only one who has (as far as I can see) spent time thinking writing speaking about what kind of nation we are.



This all came together tonight watching two older Newt Vids from 09.




Anyway that's what I think...As always I reserve my God Given right to be wrong.


Now he may be such a flawed politician that even if he could get elected he would not be able to begin to rein in DC, but I believe he does see size of the problem, and has some ideas on how to combat it.


Mark Levin said something last Oct.-Nov. 'it has taken us 80 years to reach this point, and it's going to take a long time to get us out of this mess' I think Newt is the guy who can start us down that path.

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Valin! Sununu can't rely on Newt because he lied to President George HW Bush when he okayed the tax increase and then campaigned against it. Newt blew a lot of goodwill by his poor management skills in Congress.


It's really sad when Tom Coburn openly states he would not vote for Newt.


Next point: There will be maybe 2 debates.

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I think it is official this time. RIP.



This is good.



FreedomWorks Foundation will be able to reach millions of Americans with Runaway Slave, a powerful documentary that exposes the economic slavery of the Black community to the liberal policies of the US government and how Black conservatives are leading the fight so all Americans can be “free at last.”



Movie Trailer

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Excellent read on the primary system.


Choosing A Champion, Cycle After Cycle...John F. Di Leo


Start with a couple of moderate states. Then give them an open process where you can declare your party on the day of the primary or caucus… not a month earlier, or a year earlier, but that day, so you might have attended a Reelect BHO fundraiser in the morning, but you can still take a Republican ballot in the afternoon. And be sure to encourage them; champion this open primary to the whole world, so everyone knows that non-Republicans are encouraged to participate.


This is why I am a fan of closed primaries/caucuses. If you are not a card carrying party member you should have no vote as to who your candidate should be. It is on election day that non party members have their say.

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Excellent read on the primary system.


Choosing A Champion, Cycle After Cycle...John F. Di Leo


Start with a couple of moderate states. Then give them an open process where you can declare your party on the day of the primary or caucus… not a month earlier, or a year earlier, but that day, so you might have attended a Reelect BHO fundraiser in the morning, but you can still take a Republican ballot in the afternoon. And be sure to encourage them; champion this open primary to the whole world, so everyone knows that non-Republicans are encouraged to participate.


This is why I am a fan of closed primaries/caucuses. If you are not a card carrying party member you should have no vote as to who your candidate should be. It is on election day that non party members have their say.



Fixing the Debates:


There was a time when very few commentators complained about this issue; no more. It has grown into quite a common whipping boy in the 2012 cycle. Simply stated: most debates allow non-Republican journalists to ask questions of Republican candidates that the Republican electorate don’t care about. Just as the general election debates are designed to help all voters make their selection in the fall, the primary election debates are designed to help the primary voters choose their champion for that campaign. The debates don’t help if the questioners don’t want the best of the field to be nominated, if they don’t want the party’s nominee to be victorious.


Yet again, the solution is simple: only self-identified conservatives should moderate and participate in the questioning at a GOP primary debate. The writers of National Review and the Weekly Standard, the conservative hosts of radio and television. These questioners won’t throw softballs, but they’ll be fair. They won’t be looking for gotcha questions; they’ll be looking to seriously inform their own votes. So they’ll ask the questions that the primary voters care about.



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